Chapter One, The Meeting

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Edited 18/5/2020! 

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Edited 18/5/2020! 

Disclaimer: nothing you recognise belongs to me it all belongs to J.K Rowling and S. Meyer I'm just using them in a way they didn't.

Story requested by Giselle Riddle-Malfoy-Potter
Thank you to Arcstark for the amazing banner.

Notes about Ardelle & the story:

* She was adopted by Marcus when she was seven years old when she was abandoned by the Dursley's while they were vacationing in Italy.

* She has dark hair and stunning green eyes, a classical beauty.

* Little bit fragile but she is the most powerful and smartest witch of her age even if she doesn't show it so easily.

* The war ended in her fifth year in the Ministry.

* Bella, Lauren and Jessica bashing.

*Ardelle is sixteen (two months after fifth year ended)

*Sirius is alive Marcus saved him.


Chapter One, The Meeting

Ardelle watched quietly from her place next to Demetri as her sister Jane spoke to the Cullens and two of the newborns who had apparently wanted nothing to do with the battle and joined the Cullens. "Why do you have a human with you I thought the Volturi didn't keep humans?" the bronze haired vampire, Edward asked Jane with a slight sneer in his voice.

All the Cullens and the two others who she now knew to be Riley Biers and Bree Tanner looked to where Ardelle was standing. "She is not just any human," Alec sneered at them as if they weren't worth his time. "She is our sister. Our master Marcus adopted her when she was seven when her.....relatives who at the time where vacationing in the Voultere abandoned her she has lived with us ever since. Come sister introduce yourself." Alec ordered in a soft voice holding out his hand to her.

Ardelle stepped forward so she was now standing in between Jane and Alec. She through the hood off of her emerald cloak releasing her midnight black locks to fall down her back in tight curls which surrounded her beautiful face, the paleness of it making her seem more fragile especially with her sparking emerald eyes framed by her long black lashes. Licking her plump red lips as her throat suddenly went dry as everyone's attention was now on her as she made eye contact with them, though she frowned slightly as she felt a pulling sensation in her chest as her eyes connected with the brawny brown haired vampire and the blonde haired vampire with the red eyes.

"My name is Ardelle Rosura Potter-Volturi I'm sixteen." Ardelle introduced herself nervously, even after all these years spent with her adoptive family she was still slightly nervous of new people. "And you, Edward was it? Stop trying to read my mind! What the hell gives you that right to try and read my mind!" Ardelle spat furiously as she thought she had another Dumbledore to contend with, what with him always trying to read her mind to find out where she lived.

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