important information

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[one:scenes are required for a roleplay]
It is required that a scene is sent to start the talking of characters, however it is perfectly fine to discuss an idea with the owner of the account, as then everyone can get what they want. The admin is very easy going and will most likely be happy with almost any sort of scene, basic or not.

[two:please be polite]
any form of impolite behaviour, including sexism, racism, homophobia and transphobia is unacceptable and against the rules, which will result in blockage or the end of an rp, or a stern talking to. respect means a lot and you cannot bully or whine your way into getting what you want

[three:effort is important]
please put in effort and try to give a little more than a few words as a reply. lengthy replies are nice but there's no pressure to send monstrously long replies, however if you do happen to send only a few lines, please try to make them interesting so it isn't a chore to reply.

[four:honesty is a virtue]
please say if the role play becomes boring or lacklustre as we can end or refurbish it, to your liking. Ending an rp is not frowned upon as the act of roleplay is supposed to be enjoyable to both parties so please be honest and the owner of the account will do the same

[five:forbidden concepts]
rape, abuse, and incest are forbidden as well as characters who are children (17 or under) who are in a relationship with someone who is the age of majority (18 or above), however the last rule may broken for those who are 17, if they're paired with an 18 year old individual, do not count on it though.

[six:third person is appreciated]
third person is preferred, paragraph format as well, so the little stars of action markers are not liked by the admin, however if first person is preferred, the admin may offer to type their way, and you can type your way, after all words are the same no matter what perspective they are in

the admin does not take requests and will not change anything about the characters, unless it is height or age, so that the rp is not illegal. If you wish to change the career or face claim, please do not ask, they will not cater to that request, sincerest apologies.

[eight:reading is required]
make sure to read the bio. If there is a tag or it says "talking" or "taken", they are not available for roleplays. Each character can only talk to one person. the bios are listed in alphabetical order, divided into "single", "talking" and "taken", please heed the divider chapters, thus avoiding asking to talk to a taken or talking character

[nine: don't be intimidated]
admin is actually really friendly and totally open to getting messages. they would love to set up an rp with you and will totally start up the rp once a scene idea comes up that you both agree on

[ten: locations locations]
Admin bases most of the rps in Canada, since they are Canadian. This means they don't know much about America in general except what comes to Canada. Also there are some Canadian exclusive companies they love, as well as slang they use, so if there is any confusion, please ask for clarification. some characters specifically have listed that they live in a certain part of Canada

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