Chapter 9

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Ruby could help rebuilding, but that was all she could do "Ruby, stop locking yourself in your room" Silver says making Ruby open one eye "I'm meditating cause there's nothing else to do, unless you have a better suggestion" she says floating a bit above the ground "Not at the moment" he says "Just don't forget to eat" he adds and leaves again so Ruby goes back to meditating, she was trying to get into the puzzle, normally you'd need a gate for the link, but they destroyed it. She opens her eyes after she feels the room change and she sighs "About time" she says and she tilts her head "Are you okay?" she asks seeing Yami sitting on some stairs "Ruby?" he asks looking at her "Never mind my outfit" she quickly says "That dress..." he trails off and suddenly it clicks in his mind "You wore that in the past" he says earning a nod "I send everyone a gift, did you get it?" she asks "Yes I did, thanks" he says and Ruby sits down next to him "It's so boring up there" she complains "Especially with Sapphire staying in Egypt" "Why is she there?" Yami asks and Ruby looks down "I saved Mana by going back in time, she's dying, so priest Seth took over after a very short argument, he requested that Sapphire stayed there" she sums up and she sighs "It's just us four left home, it's so boring, even Drake and Opal are bored" she says "If you want I can look for other, any preferences?" Yami asks and Ruby looks at him "Jack, Summer, Sakura and Mike, they're the gods of the seasons. Winter, summer, spring and fall" she says "Is it really that boring?" he asks earning a nod "Yep, the twins are deciding for a new city layout, we need to change it badly, everyone's staying in the palace anyway" she says and the puzzle fades away "And someone's interrupting me again, see you again sometime" she says and Yami nods.

Ruby sighs standing up "What?" she asks looking at the twins"Well we need your opinion on something" Opal says and Ruby follows them "With just us four left we thought we could get rid of most of the houses and put fun things instead, like a pool and we can keep the library" Drake says and they arrive at the meeting room "You finally left your room" Silver points out as the three walk over "So the palace grounds stay the same" Ruby says, but Silver says "Yes" "The blacksmith stays here too, and we can fly if we want to, but I got this" Drake says and the other three look at him confused "Horse stables?" she asks and Drake says "Not just any horse, remember the horses from the forest?" "Yes, the winged ones" Ruby says "But those never come near the city, besides, only the horses know the way in the forest" "Exactly, but your father had one didn't he?" Opal asks earning a nod from Ruby and Silver "So we can get them too" Drake concludes "You lot are crazy" a female voice says and Ruby turns around "Hey Sakura, welcome back" she says with a smile "Ruby... Did you visit the puzzle?" Silver asks "Yes, he's getting the gods of the seasons, come on, it's boring here with just us" Ruby says "He's pretty nasty when handed a sword" Sakura says and Ruby says "I taught him how to use one" "That explains it" Sakura says and she walks over to the group "Luckily when Sapphire was mentioned Jack got interested, where is she?" she asks and the group "With her potential boyfriend in Egypt, Seth reqeusted that she's stayed" Ruby says bluntly "Poor Jack" Silver says dryly, it was pretty much common knowledge that Sapphire had a thing for the priest "Did you tell them where the other 2 are?" Opal asks and the girl nods "Great, now then, we are going horse hunting" Drake says and Silver crosses his arms "We are not doing that, you have to earn their trust" he says "Just get started with the changed, but whatever you do, don't destroy the bridges connecting the islands to change them, unless you can keep the islands in their place" he adds and the twins leave "Can we renovate them?" Opal asks earning a nod.

Yami yawns when he's finally taking a break from looking, according to Sakura he had a limited time to find them, which was 3 days "Dude what have you been doing?" Joey asks walking over with Mai "Well someone has to restore memories" Yami says looking at the two blondes "Two left" Yugi says after switching "You can do those tomorrow" Téa says "I know" Yugi says "But Yami promised Ruby he'd get them", Seto walks over and hands Joey and Yugi a box "Presents from Ruby" he says "Again?" Joey asks and he opens it "Another card" he says and Seto chuckles "She wants you to improve your deck Wheeler" "Wait a sec! Isn't this the card she used to dispel the shadow realm?" Joey asks and Yugi walks over "It is" he says and opens his box "Her baby phoenix, sun caccoon and her phoenix, but doesn't she need these?" he asks "I think those are for Yami" Joey says "We use the same deck" Yugi says, but he would probably never use them, he knew that Ruby had given these to Yami for a reason "Do you think she will come back" Mai asks and Joey says "Course she will, it's not like her to leave him alone" "But the gate" Yugi says. "Ah the gate" a voice says "I will be off, tell the Pharaoh that I'm glad to have my memories back" Jack says and Yugi nods "Just don't be too disappointed" he says and the god disappears in a small whirlwind of snowflakes "I wish I could do that" Joey complains and Seto says "You do realize they all left right, the gate is gone". Joey sighs "I just wish would see them again, it's boring" he says and Yugi says "I'll inform you when Yami has seen Ruby again" "Right" Joey says, but Seto interrupt them "Shouldn't you be gathering cards to enter the finals?". "Seto, I got my last card!" a voice says and Seto is hugged from behind "Good job" he says "Who did you beat for it?" "Some creep named Bandit Keith" Ruby says and Yugi instantly notices Yami's thoughts become quiet "I need to go" he says and waves before leaving.

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