Chapter 24

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Ruby is sitting at the edge of the lake waiting for the gate to be opened again "It's taking too long" Silver says and he peeks into the water "Uh... Sakura, you remembered this lake has a guardian right?" Ruby asks causing the goddess of summer to become pale "So?" Jack asks so Ruby sighs getting up "The main island is placed above here because of the lake guardian" she says and she dives in after pick pocketing her brother of a spare dagger "So why did she jump in too?" Jack asks causing Silver to facepalm "The guardian is probably attempting to protect the portals" he says and adds "If she didn't Mike would probably die due to the lack of air".

Ruby silently curses to herself seeing the huge kraken and she kicks it away from the god of fall who seems to be surprised when Ruby takes the dagger from him and stabs it in the gem above the portal while handing the dagger she took from Silver to Mike as the kraken returns "Will they be alright?" Atem asks, but Silver says "Killing the guardian is impossible, but Ruby never had a problem with it, she likes swimming in here" "She does?" Sapphire asks earning a nod, 10 long minutes later Ruby and Mike get out of the lake "That idiot thought he could kill the Kraken" Ruby says "But it's open" "Silver something's been bothering me about your temple" Atem says causing the king of gods to look at him surprised "Why pray to the gods who are already gone? It'd make more sense if the statues were there for those who are alive" Atem points out "You're right, but for that we'd need to destroy the temple here" Silver says so Ruby sighs "Or we use the seal under it" she says "Dad placed it there" she adds "However... It will force us to return as well, including all the gods who never were invited to come along, because Silver didn't want new gods" "They'd get the shock of their life" Atem comments "Blame my brother" Ruby says with a sigh. This wasn't really easy, but they needed to get rid of the temple anyway "We'll see what happens" Silver says and he adds "For now we all need sleep, we have a few long days ahead of us".

So the next morning Ruby is being lazy for once "Ruby, breakfast's ready" Atem aays entering the room "Okay" she says sitting up "I just wish we could repair the portal to Egypt" she says, they had to be at the shop after school anyway, so she could talk to her brother about it "If you burn the book with all the gods in it it'll probably prevent new ones from being chosen" "Dad tried, Silver tried and I tried feeding it to the kraken, it wouldn't eat it" Ruby says heading downstairs with Atem "Not that it matter anyway, Seto's running out of time" she adds turning on the news. "This is bad" Atem says "How long does he still have?" "I'd say two and a half week, but if he doesn't make it on time all current gods will die" Ruby says, at that moment Silver enters "You two have to come to the shop, now" he says sothey head off.

"The portals opening and closing" Summer says "Meaning we're running out of time to go back" she adds "We have to leave" Silver says "Before the portal collapses" Ruby says, Mike sighs and goes through the swords "I'll keep it stable" he says taking his own and he draws the circle. At the floating island the group is greeted by the twins "Nice outfit Atem, but on to important stuff" Opal says "We know how to slow it down, but we'll need the time slowing spell and someone strong enough to cast it" "I'll do it" Ruby says "And no buts Silver, I know the risks, I can die" "Big surprise" Atem says dryly "You could die when changing the realm of memories, when saving Mana in the past and when fighting Zork, both times" he sums up "Go ahead" Silver says "And dad's watching over you, of course you aren't dying that easily". Ruby flies off saying "Don't worry, I know the spell by now", she stops barely above the lake and she makes a seal the size of the lake before going to the middle and she puts her sword in the middle.

Seto is looking at the news, he was missing 1 piece and the riddle was as confusing as the others combined "Of course, the museum!" Mana says running over "They're holding an exhibition next week where it'll be on display" she adds, but Seto points to the news "We have no week, we have to find the stairs too Mana" he points out and Sapphire appears out of nowhere "No, ouch, worries" she says tossing it to Seto before rubbing her hand "Ice please" she says so Mana runs off "Punishment, seriously Ra? I'm trying to save it" Sapphire complain as Mana return with the ice "Ruby's doing what she can" she explains "But the time slowing spell has one big downside" "Which is?" Seto asks "If she's out of energy it's gonna fall, it'll be fine as long as the sun can reach her, but not only will she probably drown, but all the current gods will die" "Atem won't like that" Mana says "He'll die too" Sapphire says "He went through a portal, accepting his role as the new god of magic, he's being trained as we speak" "So she's buying us time" Seto says earning a nod "We need to find the stairs" Mana says and Sapphire walks to Seto looking at the page "'Look at the place you least expect it to appear, open your heart and you'll find the way to the heavens" she reads out loud "Well that's even more puzzling then everything together" Seto says and Sapphire thinks for a while "Well where would you least expect it?" "Outside the door?" Mana asks earning a facepalm from Seto "As if it'd be outside the front door" he says and Sapphire's eyes begin to sparkle "This is gonna get me in so much trouble" she says and she makes a giant map in the room "Let's see, there has to be a reason, let's connect the seal pieces to each other" she says and lines start to appear "I knew it" she mumbles before disappearing with a 'Good luck finding it on your own'. "Figures" Seto says so he runs off with Mana, at the game shop just as Solomon is opening up "There" Mana says "How are we going to get to the roof though?" "There's a ladder at the back if you need it" Solomon says, but the two are lifted off the ground and put on the seemingly endless stairs "Cool trick huh?" Atem asks floating next to Seto "Yeah" Seto says sarcastically "Let's go" Mana says dragging Seto along, she had brought the book for any help them might need, she just hoped they'd make it.

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