Chapter 21

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The day before the ball got extremely busy at the shop "Can I help you?" Ruby asks a girl who's looking around "I'm looking for an Egyptian dress, but can't find anything I like" she says adjusting her glasses and Ruby gets up from her spot heading to the back and she comes back with a dress "Try it on" she says and the girl takes it "Sorry, your order hasn't arrived yet" Ruby says glancing at Seto who says "I need it, today" "I can't magically make it appear, our next load of orders will arrive in 10 minutes" she says before going back to sorting the boxes, she opens one to check what's in it and she freezes in place before quickly closing it and putting it hidden under the counter.

That evening Ruby, Atem and Silver are discussing what to do "I can't just hand the guy the box, it's a magical object disguised as brooch" she says rubbing her head "Get started on making the finishing touches to your dress" Atem says, but Silver is too deep in though to hear it "It's only the emblem, but we can't put a fake one" he says and Ruby suddenly runs off, coming back with a box "I copied all our jewelry" she says opening the box "Because several of our items got lost, so if we ever saw it we could give a fake one" she says and adds "It took forever to get them perfect though", Silver takes one and inspects it "They really do look the same, grab the box" he says. Ruby walks to Opal and tosses her the brooch "That's yours I believe" she says watching the girl catch it "It is" Opal says and she asks "I wonder when we're going to find yours, any clue where it is?" "I have a pretty good guess" Ruby says and she adds "But that place is gone, we can't go there at the moment" "Our temple is underground right?" Opal asks earning a nod "Yes, but archaeologists have found it and are slowly opening the door" Ruby says and she leans against the wall "I think we have to get there first, but for that we need the book of treasures, if those items fall in the hands of humans we're going to have a serious problem, even if it's one of them" "Think the book realizes how important it is?" Opal asks, but she gets a shrug.

Seto however sees a bright light while he's working in his office "Mokuba's probably in Ruby's room messing around" he mumbles getting up, he heads to Ruby's old room, but the light doesn't become any less, he opens the door and sees the light going out, so he takes the book lying on the bed "I can't read the title" he says and sighs, guess he'd visit the game shop for a translation.

The next day Ruby is making the finishing touches to her dress when she's called downstairs "Yes?" she asks looking at Seto who shows the book "There's no one who can translate it, wanna give it a go?" he asks and Ruby tilts her head "Where'd you find the book of treasures?" she asks, so Seto says "You left it there on purpose" "Yes I did" Ruby says and she adds "That book is the only way we can unseal our home, sadly enough we gods can't gather everything ourselves" "That guy can" Seto says pointing to Atem "He can't, we reborn as humans, he didn't, but he can't find the way there" Silver says handing Seto a glass with something "Drink this and you'll be able to read the book, it tastes bitter though", Ruby glances at the clock and says "Atem hurry, we're suppose to help decorating" "Coming" Atem says and Jack walks over "I'll drive you there, can you call me when your finished?" "We have to stay there until it starts" Atem points out "So we'll call when the ball is finished" he adds.

They arrive and Jack says "Have fun you two", Ruby takes the bag and says "Don't worry about that", in the gym Ruby sees that it's only their class that has to do anything at all "You two, come and help us a little" Joey calls so they head over "The light won't stay in place" Yugi says and Tristan says "Mai can't stop laughing so the ladder keeps shaking", Ruby gets up and asks "Where do they want it?" she asks, so Yugi points to an empty spot in line with the others and Ruby glares at Mai "One movement and I'll burn your hair" she says earning a quick nod.

They finish with half an hour to spare and Thea is helping Ruby put her hair in a thick braid "That dress looks impossible to change into" Mai says only to earn a shrug "Look who arrived" Mana says pointing to the girl who thinks she has the best dres, once Ruby's hair is done Thea puts a hairpin in to keep some strands from falling "You okay Ruby?" Mai asks earning a nod "I lost this hairpin" she says, so Thea says "Seto gave it, said something about keeping it save, I think he went to Egypt to get it" "Silver much have told him" Ruby mumbles as she stands up and she sees only Mai and Thea left, so she puts her dress(picture) in front of her before a small circle with unreadable letter appear and withing seconds she changed into her dress, only for Thea to hug her instantly "Took you long enough" Ruby points out hugging back and she looks at Mai who crosses her arms "Very funny" she says.

They enter the gym and Ruby is instantly greeted by Atem who smiles at her "Guess we'll go and find Yugi" Ruby says waving at the other two girls "Wow you look amazing" Joey says and he sees the hairpin "You got one too?" "No this one is the original one, see it's gold" Ruby says and she adds "Whoever has one too has a copy of this one, those are made of silver" "That'd be miss popular" Mana says handing Ruby her mask "Thanks Mana" she says so miss popular walks over, hoping to 'steal' Atem away from his girlfriend "Hey there" she says, so Ruby grip on Atem's hand tightens slightly "Relax Ruby" he says patting her head "Still overprotective?" Yugi asks earning a nod from Ruby "Not as much though" she mumbles as Atem puts his arm around her "I see it's the other way around now" Mana points out walking over with her date, Duke, this time Atem says "I guess" "Where'd you get a dress like that?" the girl asks inspecting Ruby's dress "Made it myself" Ruby says twirling around "Too bad you think yours is better" she says earning a glare, in all honestly, if Ruby hadn't been a goddess then she would have been insulted by the girl, but she was used to quite a lot "Mine's still better, yours doesn't even have one theme" the girl says, so Atem says "Ruby simply combined the two types of clothes they have at the store" "Where's your boyfriend?" Mana asks looking at the girl "Well... he will be here soon" "You mean he dumped you for your so called friend" Thea says and the girl walks off "She has a reputation for stealing others their boyfriend, it normally works, but I think she's out of luck this time, she went through all the boy at school in two year" "Atem's mine and mine only" Ruby says puffing her cheeks "She can argue all she wants, nothing's gonna change that fact" she says, of course she knew she would have to  keep an eye on the girl or she could pose a problem.

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