Chapter 30

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The longer they were stuck there the worse Ruby's mood became "Ruby are you eating enough?" Atem asks "I'm fine" she says "Tell my brother I want a cat" "I told him that for you a week ago as well" Atem says and he sees Seto walk over "She wants a cat and Silver won't give her one" he explains "He also said she has to accept her summon first" Seto says and the creature lands in front of the door "Strange" Silver mumbles "Normally the summon would want to bond with anyone else at this point" "That is one persistant summon" Seto says and he adds "It's almost her birthday" "She doesn't want a party" Atem says "Fine I'll get her a cat" Silver says walking off again and Seto follows him. Atem enters Ruby's room and closes the door "Go away, I'm not in the mood" she says "And I'm not leaving" Atem says crossing his arms "When we can leave again we'll head back to Egypt" he says "I'd like that" Ruby mumbles and the phoenix drops strawberries on Ruby's head "Keep it in your room for three days, if you still don't want it I'll ask Silver if you can get a cat" Atem says "Get it to stop dropping food on my head first" Ruby says trying to swat the creature away with her hand "And you're not eating" Atem comments when he sees Ruby put the strawberries back in the bowl before the baby phoenix drops them on her head again "It wants you to eat or leave your room, possibly both" Atem says and he chuckles when Ruby takes a bite from an apple "Why does my summon have to be the one to drop food on my head" she complains glancing at the now sitting phoenix "It's kinda like you, you did the same when I didn't want to eat" Atem reminds her "You haven't touched it once with your bare hands though" "If you do you'll bond with it" she explains "Silver didn't say that" Atem says sitting on the bed "Because most people accept their summon" Ruby says with a sigh "Why couldn't it be a dragon like everyone else in my family?" "Everyone?" Atem asks "Yeah everyone, Mokuba and Seto have dragons too" Ruby says "How about we skip todays meeting and go to the forest?" "Okay, just grab your weapon" Ruby says getting up.

At the forest it's eerily quiet "This is one big forest" Atem mumbles holding his staff "And you were a lot smarter then I was with your choice of weapon to bring along" Ruby comments and she make a small fireball "Okay we might be lost" she says "We walked too far, after our seasonal lakes you slowly enter a dark version of our forest, but no one ever checked to see if the rumors were true" "The rumor about the dark forest being a mirror?" Atem asks earning a nod from Ruby "This is what people call the dark side of our home", they head back and Ruby hears something so she looks behind them "How fast can you run in those clothes?" she asks "Pretty fast" Atem says so she grabs his hand and starts running, the two falling back into the right side before a fireball can hit them "Ruby" Silver says "We didn't mean too" Ruby says "Besides, you can't seem to enter" "Because I was possesed by darkness once" Silver says "You repel evil, like Atem does" "Oh yeah, the god of magic isn't affected either" Ruby says "So who shot the fireball?" "That'd be Summer's evil half" Silver says with a sigh "You can't have two of us in one place and Summer needs to be here before her evil side appears here as well" "Actually there's an evil me" Ruby says "Deep down there somewhere" "How?" Silver asks, raising an eyebrow when Ruby avoids looking him in the eye "Well after Atem sealed himself away one of the other rules terminated the trading contract because he wouldn't do business with a woman, since he was in the city I tracked him down with Mana and Seth, then missed his head with a tiny bit of distance and I would've killed him if I didn't have the amount of self control that I have" she says looking down "He thought all women were useless and at the time I was avoiding any topic related to Atem since I was sad, I snapped, told him to leave my city so he wouldn't ruin what Atem had build up". Silver stays quiet for a moment and sighs "Now I get it" he says "You and dad are the same. Immune to darkness, but it's slowly stacking itself up" "That's not a good thing right?" Atem asks confused "No, especially not since she doesn't go to the sun temple every month to meditate" Silver says "Which can take one day to a week" Ruby adds "I'll do it after my birtday, since you're throwing me a half party".

They get back to the city and Ruby asks "So how did I survive being in that seal?" "Well for starters you earned your second animal and I know our dark halves feed on our anger and other negative emotions" "But I couldn't go past the barrier before that, I tried" Ruby points out "Interesting, your evil half saved your life" Silver says "I have to go to the library", he walks off and Jack runs over "Sakura ditched her student again" "On it" Atem says disappearing and Ruby sighs "I'm gonna dump my summon at the pet center" "Come on, did you know your father changed his summon? He had a phoenix" Jack says "I didn't know, but Mike still hates me for some reason" Ruby mumbles with a sigh "And I'm gonna have to be in the same room as him when I have to go there to meditate" she says, but the god of winter puts an arm around the younger girl "He'll come around, he's currently screaming in pain, got quite a lot of dark energy" he says "Hadn't sensed it yet" Ruby says rubbing her head "You okay? You're pale" Jack asks, but Ruby blacks out so Jack catches her and instantly teleports to the hospital wing and Bella has to take one look before knowing exactly what is wrong "Take her to the sun temple, now!".

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