14- What They Can't Teach in School

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I never really knew how to have fun with somebody else; usually, my idea of solo fun was having a bowl of popcorn and binge watching all the seasons of Criminal Minds. Who doesn't love sweet and precious Dr. Reid?

Anyway, the point here was that I didn't realize it at first, but looking at it now, I realized that I was starting to develop a crush on Isaac. I would never dare admit it back then, I was too proud of myself. But I kind of came across it when we were walking back to his car, and I suddenly tripped over a tree root. That was what I got for wearing converse with old, frayed laces.

Isaac tried to grab me before I could fall, but I ended up taking him with me. I fall onto my back, and he fell right on top of me. When I had collected my head, I realized this was like some cheesy scene out of The Notebook.

"I feel like Rachel McAdams in another rom com," I said. 

"You kind of look like her, too," he shot back, sitting back up so I could breathe. Instead of doing the same, I just laid back and put my arms over my stomach.

"You know how full of crap you are?" I said.

"You don't think you're beautiful?"

"Never really felt like it,"

Isaac then suddenly pulled me up to sit up straight, and he did that thing... you know... where the boy pushes the girl's hair behind her ear and makes her blush? I hate how I've become that girl!

"I think you should revaluate that assumption," his fingers trailed down the side of my face, and his bright blue eyes bore into mine. I suddenly found it hard to swallow. He suddenly went in to kiss me, but before he could, I had the instinct to turn away.

And I did.

Isaac then pulled back, realizing he had taken it a step too far. I wasn't ready to be kissed yet, especially not by him.

"Sorry," he said sheepishly. I smiled back, showing him I wasn't too upset over it.

"Give it time, Linebacker. Maybe next year, I'll give you a real stellar birthday gift," I said, raising my eyebrows and hoping he'd catch my drift.

"Lucky for you, I'm a patient man," 


My own happiness with Isaac couldn't last, unfortunately. Because when I stepped back into school that day, I could notice the distinct change right away. Everybody seemed to be in a state of airy-fairy; Kurt seemed to be strutting down the halls with a certain sparkle in his eye -- or that was just redness surrounding his pupils. And Mercedes and Tina seemed quite happy with themselves as they fawned over new accessory pieces by their lockers. And there was a smell; somewhere between cheap Dior and the inside of a bar in Texas. 

I started towards my locker, then seeing what I could only describe as a pack of dogs chasing a walking steak bone. A bunch of the football players were huddling around April, following her like she was some kind of queen, and filling me with a sense of disgust. She had all the Glee kids wrapped around her finger, but unlike them, I wasn't only thinking about crystalline bangles, steroid-filled biceps, and shower sex.

Finn came up to me, having the same look of confusion and discomfort that I did, "You feel it, too?" he asked.

"You mean the sickening feeling of the calm before the storm? Hell yeah," I replied, "What do we do?"

"Mr. Schue's not going to give up on her, I think he likes her... you know... in that way," he said. I rolled my eyes in response.

"I think he ought to get himself a monkey," I replied. 

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