24- Jello Monster

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The next day, we were all back in the choir room, chatting idly while we waited for Mr. S to walk in. Right now, I was having an 'argument' with Kurt... if you could even call it an argument. We were debating who left a bigger impact on the music world: David Bowie or Liberace.

"What could be more inspirational than a man tearing into a twelve-octave solo while simultaneously giving a new respect to 19th century Victorian couture?" he said.

"Now you see, what you just said right there made my point," I said, "In this day and age, nobody would crowd out to TicketMaster just to get front row seats to see some dude in frills and baby blue suits to sing about some chic named Stella -- especially seeing as he wasn't all that into Stella to start with,"

"What does sexuality have to do with it?" Kurt asked.

"Nothing. But Liberace continually hid who he was, even though during his time, gay was starting to be okay. Thirty years ago, David Bowie dressed up as a Starman and openly discussed being bisexual, as well as campaigned for world peace in Berlin!" I replied, "I bet you, as soon as Gorbachev heard him singing Heroes to a crowd of twenty-thousand people, that set the record straight for him,"

"Nobody could rock Ziggy Stardust quite like him," Kurt sighed.

Right on cue, Mr. S walked in, looking very chipper to see our progress -- or lack there of, "So, any ideas for the mashup?" he asked, "Anybody?" We all looked at each other, half-expecting somebody to raise their hand. But nobody moved, and honestly, I didn't blame us. I mean, how can you mashup Young MC with somebody like Freddie Mercury?

"Oh, come on, guys," he said, "It's like you're daring me to start dancing again!" there was a round of basically 'please no, anything but that' from the others. I didn't get it, I thought Mr. S was a pretty good dancer.

"I've been working on something," Puck suddenly raised his hand, guitar at the ready, "It's my personal tribute to a musical, Jewish icon," he said.

"Uh -- fantastic. Let's hear it," Mr. S said. Puck turned to the band and counted them in, then he started to play:

"Where it began, I can't begin to knowing 

But then I know it's growing strong
Was in the spring,
And spring became the summer
Who'd believe you'd come along

Hands, touching hands, reaching out
Touching me, touching you
Oh, sweet Caroline
Good times never seem so good
I've been inclined to believe it never would

Oh, sweet Caroline
Good times never seem so good
I've been inclined to believe it never would 

oooh oh no no..."

He was good, he was great, in fact! I never thought I'd see the day when Puck stood up and proudly sang a Neil Diamond song. But it wasn't his singing that got me thinking, it was the way he kept looking at... Rachel?


I caught up with her the next morning, after second period. I mean, don't get me wrong, Noah Puckerman would sleep with anything that had a pulse -- but Rachel wouldn't be desperate enough to do that... would she?

"Rachel!" you know, for a small person, she moved quite fast.

"Hey. What's going on?" she asked.

"Feel free to deny this -- I wouldn't blame you if you did -- but is there something going on with you Puck?" I asked her.

"... I think so," she started walking again. She thought so?

"What do you mean you think so?" I followed her, "I mean, I don't think Finn had to think twice when he and Quinn... you know what? I'm not going to finish that sentence," I said. 

"You know, I guess maybe Puck saw me for more then just a high-maintenance ingenue, and he wanted to be with me. That doesn't sound so crazy, right?" she replied.

"No," of course it did, "I suppose maybe Puck's finally grown up," or has other ulterior motives.

As we turned the corner, we heard another loud, familiar smash. I was afraid to look, but I did anyway. Quinn and Finn were standing in what I could only call the mosh pit of grape slushies, while fatso Azimio and his friends were crowded around them with empty red cups.

"Oh, you think that's bad? Just imagine what's gonna happen if you don't show up to practice on Thursday and quit that little Glee Club for good!" he snapped at Finn, "Bros before hi-hos, dude," and then they walked away.

I was boiling with anger now. My skateboard was in the ready, it would have been so easy for me to use it as a boomerang and crack open someone's skill. But no, that was too... simple. These guys wanted a war? Well then, a war they shall get.

"I know that look, Reese," Rachel said, "What're you thinking about?"

"... I need a blender,"


Later that day, while everybody was in class, I was ditching Enligh and hiding in the janitor's closet. And in my locker was a bag with everything I needed. I made a beeline to the locker room, once again smelling vomit-inducing scent of sweat and athlete's foot. Holding my own, I set down my bag on one of the benches and took out everything I needed: an old blender from the diner, jello mix, carbonated ice water, an. extension chord, and invisible string.

First, I threw the jello mix and the water together, stirring as best I could to create a gooey red substance. Then, after pouring it into the blender, I planted the blender up on top of one of the lockers, out of sight, but would later cause sticky consequences. I left the top off the blender for an even bigger mess. Then, I fastened one end of the invisible string to the switch on the blender, and the other end would stretch all the way to the ball basket. They usually had to pull that out first thing for practice after school. The whole time, I had Starman playing in my head... it was quite empowering.

When I was finished, I took one last look at my work, and I felt quite satisfied. I wondered how Azimio and Karofsky would take to this little stint? They'd probably go redder then the jello mix. But it still needed something, just that extra taunt to drive them over the edge. Then, I spotted it:

The whiteboard.

I grabbed the blue marker and wrote what I needed to, and then I felt like a little kid on Christmas. Once I was finished, I ducked back out into the hallway and made my mad escape out one of the unlocked windows in the math classroom. Knowing my luck, this prank wouldn't change anything. It probably make things worse... but who cared? It was about time somebody got the jump on the jocks.

And that somebody was going to be me.

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