66 ~ What is This Thing Called "Reputation"?

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And I still don't know what to say to him... or how I should even say it. What more is there to say besides "I'm utterly disappointed in you"? Or "go hump a bag of flour!" I mean, it probably works for Azimio. 

But as we delved into the next week, all I could think of was Isaac. I wanted him back, but I didn't want him back. I did, but I didn't. Did. Didn't. Did. Didn't. This is the worst game of would you rather ever!

I believe there's some intellectual word and/or phrase for this feeling...

My head was up in the clouds as I wandered into the choir room that morning, surprised to see my friends crowding a laptop and giggling like little school girls.

"Hey! Is that the new episode of Bill Maher?" I asked as I took a seat with them. 

"You aren't watching the video of me falling off stage at my Tiny Tots beauty pageant, are you?" Rachel asked as she followed me in, dragging her boytoy St. Jeez-Louise behind her.

"That was Carrot-Top funny compared to this comedic tour de force," Kurt laughed. I situated myself behind Artie, but what I unsheathed upon my eyes was much worse then Mr. Maher getting into a losing argument with some fat-faced, big-mouth socialist.

Oh, my dear God. I'd recognize that mess of blonde hair and perfectly pressed tracksuit anywhere.

"That's Olivia Newton John's 'Physical'," St. Jag-off said oh-so-matter of factly, "It was pretty groundbreaking subject matter at the time, considering its depiction of fluid sexuality,"

I turned to him with a scowl, "You figured that out, did you, Subversive?" I said to him. Did I care that my best insult at the moment was an adjective? No.

"Oh my G- Wait, wait," Finn suddenly came to the same conclusion I had momentarily ago as the others burst into more laughter, "That's not Olivia Newton John. That's -- That's Sue Sylvester!" congratulations, Captain Obvious!

"Where did you get this?" Finn asked in pure disbelief, yet also absolute amusement. Somehow, this monstrosity seemed even better than Kiefer Sutherland drunkenly jumping into a Christmas tree.

"I can tell you that I certainly did not steal it from her locked file cabinet yesterday when she sent me back to her office to get her hormone replacement injection during Cheerios practice," Kurt giggled with glee. 

"That's the key, Hummel. Deny, deny, deny!" I said. 

"Wait --" Artie leaned back from the screen, "Did she just do the Cabbage Patch?" Mercedes snorted with more laughter.

"I'm posting this on Youtube," Finn suddenly grabbed the laptop and started typing away. Now that was an idea. 

"No -- wait! Do you think that's a good idea?" Rachel asked in a panic, "She might kill us!"

"Oh, let her get a taste of some of the humiliation she put us through!" Mercedes replied. 

"I'm with Finn," see, now Jesse is just trying to kiss up to us, "You guys need to stop being such asses and start being badasses," now, that didn't sound too bad at all. Finn happily took that as a challenge as Tina and Kurt mocked Sylvester's awful dance moves.

"Ten bucks says it goes viral by lunch," he said.

"Twenty in the next hour," I said. 

Just so we're clear, I became eighty bucks richer in the next forty five minutes. Hello new converse! But the thunderous clap-back of Sue Sylvester was only a smaller blip in a much bigger problem that was coming our way...


We had an emergency Glee meeting, but not to discuss any new numbers or prepare for the upcoming Regionals competition. No, this was a little more daunting... and depraving all the same.

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