Verse 2

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                                                                       Breathe, and I breathe

                                               It's bitter without you, I can't live without you

                                                                    And I'm in love with you


The call came at three in the morning. A bleary-eyed Camila shot up out of bed, limbs flying, phone tumbling to the floor as she grappled sleepily for the object which was so loudly screeching at her. It took Camila quite a few moments to gather her wits, staring at the screen trying to make out the blurry letters to see who was calling her at such a detestable hour. Then, like a pillow-case stuffed full of angry kittens, it hit her. She flipped the phone open, answering in a panicked voice, "Hello?"

The nurse on the other end had a deep and unpleasant tone to her voice, "I was informed we're to contact you when Miss Jauregui awoke. It seems you're the only family member that we have any contact information for, and you're the only one who's come to visit her," as if sensing the tension on the other line, the nurse didn't give any hesitation before continuing, "the doctor has stated that Miss Jauregui will need to be kept in our hospital ward pending 4 days, mostly because heroin addicts go through dangerous withdrawals. You'll be allowed to visit her when visiting hours begin, at 6am."

It was all very robotic - that's the tone the nurse had, and Camila felt displeased with the lack of concern they seemed to have for Lauren. It was as if the nurse was reading a boring lecture on biology, not informing a girl's family member of her well-being after such a fearful event. Not that she was actually Lauren's family, in fact Camila was pretty sure that Lauren would want nothing to do with Camila as soon as the brunette arrived.

Lauren had no one, absolutely no one, and Camila could understand that feeling. Even if Lauren fought it, Camila would at least stick it through to make sure Lauren was okay, if only until she was released from the hospital. Camila must have lingered too long in her thoughts, as she heard a throat clear on the other end.


"Oh, yes, sorry," Camila quickly corrected. "I'll be there right at 6 am." The brunette toyed with her phone before continuing, "Is there anything she needs, or will need, for her stay in the hospital?"

"We provide patients with everything they'll need, although if she wants comfortable pajamas, you could bring some of those."

Camila knew that was a logistical problem. Lauren was a few inches taller than her, and any pajama pants she may have had would have been too short, but now that she thought of it, hospital clothing seemed to look quite uncomfortable, she nodded silently before responding, "Yes, of course, thank you."

She cordially hung up afterward, glancing at the clock and feeling her nerves grating against her bones, shredding in her stomach. The Broadway star knew it was going to be difficult to force herself back to sleep, and inevitably it was going to make for a very long day. She had a performance in the evening; hopefully Lauren wouldn't kick her out right away. Camila wanted at least to discover what it was that brought the HBIC to the lowest depths of life in New York. She was worried, not uncharacteristically so. She tossed and turned for another few hours before deciding to rise. She still had about 30 minutes before she planned on getting to the hospital.

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