Verse 4

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Breathe and I breathe,

Hollow without you, I can't live without you;

And I'm in love with you


The bacon and eggs remained untouched that morning. Despite Camila's early onset confusion at why exactly she found herself locked in a passionate exchange with Lauren, when Lauren's fingers starting raking down her back in that way, all thinking had been thrown out the window. She could question Lauren's motive's later. All she knew was that Lauren's tongue and teeth were exploring her neck, Lauren managing somehow to lift Camila up off the counter. Camila's legs wrapped easily around Lauren's waist, aroused laughter bubbling from her throat before she tangled her fingers in Lauren's hair, kissing her with a fire that was all-consuming. Lauren must have hit the edge of the bed, because Camila caught herself midair, landing atop Lauren, brown hair falling over her shoulders, lace alight with laughter, skin flushed and breath heavy.

Even Lauren had laughed, her green eyes shining with lust and joy, and a mixture of other emotions Camila couldn't quite read. She looked just as flushed and breathless as Camila. Her eyes searched Camila's face; Camila's fingertips grazed her cheeks before Camila leaned down over her, hand moving slowly over Lauren's side. Their breath mingled together, both getting completely caught up in whatever was happening right now.

Camila didn't want to think, didn't want to analyze. Right now, all she understood was that this felt so damn good and she didn't want it to stop. Later, she would wonder if this was always an attraction they'd had for one another. That was for later, though.

The diva's lips brushed delicately, teasingly over Lauren's, a breath of a kiss causing Lauren to shudder underneath her. She could feel Lauren's fingers moving over her thighs, gripping them, and slowly making their way up Camila's back. It amazed Camila how vulnerable Lauren looked, just before she leaned down and captured Lauren's lips with her own. She didn't even bother biting back the groan rising from her throat as Lauren rocked her hips upward into Camila's. They were locked so passionately together that it left Camila on fire even when she thought they were soothing this burning flame. It turns out, they were only feeding it, making it grow larger. Camila's teeth grazed Lauren's bottom lip, tugged on it softly - at this, Lauren arched up again and may have moaned Camila's name quietly. That only encouraged the diva, pressing her weight fully down on Lauren as her tongue sought out its mate, Lauren's fingers now fully digging into Camila's back.

They remained locked like this for some time, the passionate and luxurious kiss fueling a fire. Camila felt as if her whole self was aflame, and she groaned, reluctantly splitting from Lauren, still straddling her as she stripped off her shirt unashamedly, grinning quite devilishly as Lauren mirrored this action. Camila took a moment to admire Lauren's figure, her perfect body, her lust only growing as she lowered her mouth to Lauren's neck. Camila's fingers found a particularly sensitive spot along Lauren's side, dancing along the eager skin before her hand cupped a firm breast, feeling the way Lauren arched harshly up into her hand. The diva grinned, her tongue tasting Lauren's soft skin before she lowered her kisses ever so slowly, to the point where Lauren was groaning with impatience and absolute arousal. Camila found a pert nipple, tongue flicking across the puckering surface, biting down carefully. She felt Lauren's fingers lace in her hair, felt Lauren's chest rising and falling beneath her in pants.

"Oh, god -" Lauren finally managed to verbalize as Camila switched from right to left, "Camila..."

Camila thought that was probably the sexiest sound she'd ever heard, and it shattered her concentration and erased all prior thought processes. That's when she knew she was hooked. Lauren was completely powerless in this moment, completely vulnerable. It was the most beautiful thing Camila had ever experienced. Her ministrations, kissing, nibbling, sometimes sucking, all became more eager, absolutely beyond hunger. Camila slid a hand down Lauren's side, pushing her pajama bottoms downward, fingers taking in every small space of skin revealed on Lauren's hip, and she started to lower the fabric when she heard Lauren gasping out something about Camila being a 'cock tease,' causing Camila to grin and capture Lauren's lips. The burning kiss they shared threatened to devour them and was only intensified when Camila dared slip a hand lower, pushing aside fabric and trailing over the inside of Lauren's thigh. Lauren inhaled, head falling back in shock as Camila's fingers moved dangerously close to the source of fire between them. Nails dug into Camila's back, and Lauren crushed their lips together.

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