Verse 7

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Verse 7

Breathe, I believe,

Empty without you; I can't live without you,

And I'm in love with you


Camila watched Lauren from the comfort of the living room as the raven haired girl busied herself in their kitchen. It was almost 2 am and Lauren couldn't sleep, even though they'd spent a large portion of the night making love and wearing one another out. The diva sipped at some hot tea, eyes trailing over Lauren's lithe figure. The raven haired girl was wearing one of Camila's old t-shirts and boyshorts, hair mussed from their passionate evening together, and Camila had to consciously stop herself from drawing her tongue over her bottom lip in mimicry of what she wanted to do to Lauren in that moment.

Fingers clasping the cup, she merely tiredly rested her head on the back of the couch. Lauren was having withdrawal pains and urges - it was the only time Lauren got up and began to clean with almost a manic desire. The raven haired girl had taken to cleaning to distract herself from the anxiety that came with being denied something her body still wanted. Even after detox, her brain still craved the peculiar experience of heroin. She had explained it to Camila once - apparently it felt something like a mixture of being in the afterglow of an orgasm and in the middle of a perfect dream. When Lauren described it that way, Camila knew that Lauren wasn't quite over her addiction. The counselor Lauren had been speaking to out of detox had informed Camila that Lauren's struggle with addiction would be a lifetime battle.

Camila was in it for the long haul. A lot of time had passed before Lauren finally seemed satisfied with how clean the kitchen was. Her silhouette fell across the floor as she gently dropped down onto the couch cushion beside Camila and dipped her head into Camila's shoulder. Lauren's hands felt clammy to Camila as they gently grasped Camila's.

"Does it hurt much?" Camila inquired ever so quietly, as if afraid any loud noise would shatter Lauren's momentary peace of mind.

Lauren nodded against Camila's collarbone, "It does. I think it's more mental than physical though."

Camila loosed her fingers from Lauren's and sifted her digits through Lauren's locks, hoping in some way to calm Lauren's anxiety. There were many things they needed to talk about - the plans for the weekend, the final show, Dinah and Normani coming, Shawn's extensive itenerary for the five of them, but Camila instinctively held all those things aside. She knew that bringing up any one of them might cause Lauren's anxiety to spike.

"Sing to me?" Lauren breathed quietly, much like she had when she was first staying with Camila and suffering from withdrawals.

Camila's lips cracked with the lightest of smiles, "Hmm," she thoughtfully brushed her nose against Lauren's temple as she pondered what to sing; her voice found a tune and she closed her dark eyes, singing a quiet lullaby.

"Always and forever we'll be free," Camila's voice delicately grazed Lauren's ear as she pulled her lover closer in her arms, feeling Lauren shivering as she commonly did when withdrawal was nearly over, "always and forever, be with me, we'll have love aplenty, we'll have joys outnumbered," Camila knew it had been one of Lauren's favorite songs, something that Lauren had never really shared with anyone, but it had been a song she'd overheard Lauren singing back in high school when she thought no one was listening.

"We'll share perfect moments," Lauren's voice was a little shaky, but beautiful as always, and she sounded like maybe she was smiling. Camila didn't want to move and disrupt Lauren's singing, so she mirrored the potential smile with one of her own, "you and me, always and forever, you will see, just be with me," Lauren seemed to be relaxing a little in Camila's arms.

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