Chapter Three

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Adalheida's POV 

That night, just before I turn out my lamp for the night, Gaelle rushes into my room. "Adalheida, I have this week's copy of the Illéa Weekly. Would you like to read it before bed?"

"Yes, thank you."I say. She hands me the paper and I scan the cover, looking for hints of what's on the inside.

"I was in the office today," she says, sitting on the foot of my bed, "and I heard your mother say something about taking a trip to Illéa. Something about renegotiating the trade deal."

I roll my eyes. "She knows they won't budge. She's just too stubborn to believe me when I say it."

"Right, but don't you love Illéa? You still talk about the last time you went, and you were eight then." She reasons.

"True." I say, shrugging my shoulders. "Did she mention a date?"

"Yes. You will be leaving in three days, staying for ten. She also said something about leaving Agatha."

The minute she said that, my eyes lit up. A whole ten days without that filthy witch. It almost seemed too good to be true. "That's amazing!" I exclaim.

"Oh and because of me being a maid and we're supposed to "hear but not listen," Don't bring up who told you about this." She says.

I nod. "Couldn't have my best friend kicked out." I reach for her hand. "You know, you could just stay here full time without a job. I'm almost positive my Mother wouldn't mind since you're close to Amey as well."

She shakes her head. "No, I love my job. It gives me a full filled feeling of knowing that I get things accomplished."

I lean back on my bed. "This is about the sixth time I have asked, and you still say no. I thought you would give up by now."

"Never." She says simply, standing up and walking to the door.

"Wil, you at least take a day off soon?" I ask.

She smiles and nods. "I'll see what I can do."

"Okay, goodnight, Gaelle." I say.

"Goodnight, Adalheida." She replies.


I quickly flip through the headlines until one catches my eye. "Prince Osten Schreave, now Promoted to Army General" I quickly read it.

As the youngest of the Schreave line, Prince Osten knew he would never get a chance to become king of Illéa. Instead, from the time he was ten, he has been focusing on one thing. The military. At the age of ten, former Queen America made him shadow a gaurd, Officer Clay Caldwell, around for a week after him throwing mashed potatoes at him. Little did she know it would result in him becoming General of the army of Illéa. But we sure are glad she did.

We have been so happy to see the prince grow up into such a good young man, and look foward to seeing what his career turns into.

Underneath are several pictures. He and his family, other people that I don't know, but am sure are important, as well as him standing at a podium.

He had been one of the closest things I had to a friend. It was before Gaelle, and Amey was too little to do anything. But after I left from my week in Illéa when I was little, we lost contact.

I close the paper and reach to turn off my lamp, settling in for the night.

The next morning, I am bombarded with papers from my mother. I was looking foward to doing something which Agatha couldn't correct me, but working on the budget of the entire Federation wasn't something I entirely enjoyed. It wasn't like there weren't people who followed behind me and double checked my work, so it was practically pointless.

After rubbing the erasers off two pencils, I decide to go out into the garden. It was the closest thing I had to escaping this life I am bound to. I would give anything to escape these walls. I think to myself. And it's true. There's nothing I want more than to live even just a day without the weight of people's opinions and the needs of my country weighing on my back.

I sit on a wooden swing my Opa put in the garden when my father was born. He always told me that I was just like my father. He never liked his life as a royal and always wanted to be outside.

I desperately wish I could remember him. He was taken by an outbreak of a horrible sickness in the Federation. The only memories of him that I have are hanging in picture frames on the walls of the palace. My Oma says that my mother was like him before he died, but with a more serious side and that it ruined her when he passed. Amey and I were her only reminders. Me more than him. I was practically his twin.

I swing gently for a little while when I see my mother approach. "Adalheida." She calls.

"Yes Mother?" I ask from my swing.

"Come here, we have some things to discuss." She says, sweeping her long, billowing dress to the side and sits down on a bench.

I jump off the swing and I see the corners of her mouth turn down slightly, but I shrug it off. She should be happy that I kept my hair up.

I take a seat beside her and she begins speaking. "We will be leaving for a ten day trip to Illéa in three days." I immediately feel a grin form on my face. "However, it will not be like last time. I expect you to act like a lady at all times, and you will be expected at every meeting, unless I say otherwise."

"But Mother." I begin to protest. But she cuts me off.

"No buts. I expect you packed by the end of the day." She says with finality.

"Will Madame Agatha be coming?" I ask, already knowing the answer, but just wanting to be sure.

"No, I figure you will have enough people watching you while we are there." She replies.

"Will Gaelle be able to come?" I question.

"Well, she is your personal maid, isn't she?"

For once, I am genuinely happy around my mother. I break into a huge smile and hug her. It surprises her and she tenses up, but she eventually unfreezes and tentatively wraps her arms around me.
"I'm so excited." I say.

She chuckles, pulling away. "Well then go get packed."

I smile. "Okay." I then jump up and sprint back into the palace, happy and excited for our upcoming trip, even of I do have to sit through meetings.

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