I'm in love with a Vampire!...Pssh when pigs fly! Chapter 3

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OMG I have 7 fans.....YAY!!

I'm #315 on what's hot!!!! *Jumps up and down*

I think I'm going to cry!

haha sorry I'm just too happy lol

Anyway I decided to type this up and sorry for the sucky-ness and what not

Anyways thanks so much you guys for voting and everything y'all have just made my day haha

Love ya :D Hope you enjoy!!!

Chapter three...

The red and yellow flames danced around on the log lighting it up everywhere it touched.

Our little group was set around the fire in a circle of logs. I grabbed a marshmallow and popped it into my mouth and watched as everyone roasted their marshmallows (cliché ha). Drew and Jack sat beside me again and I felt oddly at ease here. I've always loved the ocean. But something kept nagging me at the back at my mind a like a itch that won't go away. I couldn't pin point exactly what it was so ignored it and looked at the ocean.

Crystal blue seemed to spread out forever here. And the purple and pinks of the sunsets cast a big reflection across the sea like a mirror with no end.

"Are you ready to go Clara?" Drew asked with a teasing grin, "Ready to see how it's done?"

"Are you, ready to see how it's done?" I asked with my own mocking grin.

"Oh yeah!" He said as he got up and walked towards our boards.

"You asked for it." So we got our boards and paddled out to the sea. The water was surprisingly warm, I found myself drifting lazily towards Drew.

It felt so relaxing as if I could cast my fears away. I hated this school, the city, the neighborhood, everything. But it was as if I dropped all the weight on my shoulders into the sea. Drew said something like are you ready but I was already paddling ahead to get a good grip on the wave. I saw Drew a couple of feet behind me, but I ignored him and got up on my ocean blue board.

The wave was a pretty good size and I wobbled a little but got a good hold again. Just being inside it feels amazing with a wall of water on either side of you it's like another world. Next thing I knew the wave picked me up and I flowed with it back to shore.

"Wow that was awesome you should enter in the annual Surf competition in the summer." Jack said after I went back over to them. I was actually surprised of myself I did better than I thought. Maybe I should enter the competition this summer. Who knows maybe I do have shot at a normal life again. Ha probably not.

"Hey! Finally you got here." Jack exclaimed to Drew.

"It's not my fault I got washed out by the wave." He said after shaking his head like a wet dog. "Besides I let her win this one." He replied. Drew smirked at me and went to go change.

"Hey Drew wait. If your so sure I won't win let's go again for real." I teased. He turned around and gave me a crooked grin.

"I don't know if you're ready for this." He pointed to himself. I looked down at his perfectly chiseled abs and knew that if I ran my hands down them they would be so...ah stop focus Clara! "But if you really want to go then alright." He said and ran to the shore.

"Oh I'm ready alright. Let's go!" I said and raced across the sea shore. I waded into the cool waters and paddled out to where Drew's silver head was bobbing up and down on the waves.

"Okay here it comes!" Drew yelled and we paddled really fast and stood up on our boards. The wave was a pretty good size and if it wasn't for the experience I have with big waves I would have fallen off my board.

"Yeah!" Drew proclaimed over the load roar of the wave. He was ahead by a good couple feet and he looked stunning. His black trunks hung around his hips allowing you to see those sexy v line that he had.

And like that he was gone. I was knocked off my board by the wave and was plunged deep into the ocean water. I opened my eyes and fought against the need to close them again. It was so much calmer under the water. All the outside noise was muffled by the cool ocean water and it was just the sound of waves crashing above. I could feel my lungs start to burn and I tried to suck in air but was greeted instead by salty water.

I could feel myself start to panic but I felt oddly detached. Like I was a near by observer. Really I had nothing to lose. I've never really accomplished anything. I'm not that attractive. I'm not smart. I was never athletic. Really I'm just one of those people who are just there.

And as I looked at myself and wallowed in self pity I realized that even though I was never special at least I had a family that loved me.

My vision was spotted with blotches of black and as the waves violently moved above I let my self go into the sweet peaceful darkness.

I'm in love with a vampire!... Pssh when pigs fly! (UPLOADING AGAIN! WOO)Where stories live. Discover now