Chapter 1

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Is it wrong to fell in love with a guy that who goes to same university?

That in itself, not such a bad thing to say, you know? I've been told that girls my age say it all the time, sometimes standing in front of a mirror to make googly eyes while saying something similar to it. In fact, I think I was told (by who, I don't know, but just work with me, okay?) that if a girl doesn't say that particular sentence by the time she reaches my age, she's considered abnormal, perhaps even emotionally stunted enough to be sent off to a mental institution. So, yeah, it's not a bad thing to say, you can even say, it's a normal thing to say.

Sure, if you're a girl. I just happen to be a twenty two years old boy, though.

When did I find out I was in love with him? I don't know when it happened, (usually i myself like to have an open relationship with girls even boys) but I can tell you how I came to realize that fact. It was in chemistry class, I think, or at least, in the vicinity of a chemistry class. Oh, hell, I attend and skipped classes too often, so cut me some slack. Anyway, it was in university building. In a canteen of some sort. I was just sitting in my chair while have my cigarettes, staring off into space, probably thinking about what I could be doing instead of being in school, when my eyes caught a head of dark hair out of the corners.

Dark hair that belonged to probably the most wanted man on the entire fucking planet, (which is all the girls like to be around him) Beam from the Medical faculty.

So, yeah, I ended up staring at him during our lunch break, not really connecting the dots, when I got hit with some serious mind blowing revealing kind of shit when he got up to leave the canteen. The graceful movements of his body combined with the 'funny and playboy' look on his pretty, white face gave my heart a jolt and the damn thing started to hammer triple time in my chest.

I kind of just sat in the full of canteen listening to my heartbeat for a long while before I got enough strength in my legs to stand. Then I had to sit down again because my brain finally caught up to my dancing hormones and told me some things I had missed. Like, apparently, according to my brain which I'm not sure is entirely sane, I found the damned asshole unbelievably attractive. You know, hot and bothered kind of attractive, the kind that led me to think that I wanted to do.. uh.. stuff to him. Really exciting, forbidden by the Catholics, Buddha and most other religions, stuff to him.

If that wasn't enough, my brain also told me that not only did I want Beam's body in an unholy way, but I wanted to be with him in other ways. Like, how I've always wondered what it would be like to just talk to him, about anything and everything. Oh, and the fact that ever since I laid my eyes on him a half a year ago when he transferred in this university, I had always wanted to know him. Like a friend, I had thought, but apparently, as I sat in that unnamed class with my jaw dropped to the ground, I saw that I'm in loved with him.

So yeah, I fell in love with a boy. His name is Beam.

Uh, did I mention I have yet to ever speak to him? Didn't think so. Or that I'm damned fucking sure that he's as straight as they come? Yeah. How about the fact that every girl within five hundred miles radius of him wants to be with him? Or that I was pretty damned sure that I wasn't gay until I had this fucking epiphany of self? I mean, the problems that cropped up with my realization were many.

Like, let's consider traumatic fact one. Society, not very tolerant in general, and high university society.. well, I think socialist dictators had better sense of tolerance than high school kids. So, not the most conducive place to announce that you fell in love with a boy when you're obviously a boy yourself. Traumatic fact two is as follows. I'm not so the most popular of adult here. Actually, I think I might be licking the bottom of the social barrel because I missed the ladder altogether. Beam's is at the top of the said ladder, ruling the university through sheer force of his good looks and mysterious presence. I got a long climb to get to his acceptance level, because I'm sure that he won't plummet to mine. Oh, yeah, let's not forget traumatic fact three. He's got himself a girlfriend. A real pretty and real popular one, just like him, a giggling, gorgeous package with pink hair.

From those alone, you realize that I'm pretty much screwed.

But as they say, love makes you real stupid. Love makes you chuck all things logical and sane out the window and makes you consider the impossible dream of being with that person you pinned your heart on. Hence all those ridiculous dreams I have at night involving Beam, and various other things that surfing the net has provided me. Hey, don't look at me like that, I'm a hormone driven adults. I'm supposed to have sex dreams.

Aside from the dreams, I also have imaginary conversations with Beam. I sit and imagine that we're talking about sports, school, lunch specials, what have you. Once, I even managed to imagine that we talked about girls. I know shit about girls, (told you that I'm in open relationship before) yet I imagined it because why the hell not? I'm imagining this shit. Makes sense? If it does, you got one up on me, because I sure as hell don't know where my mind comes up with most of this stuff. Yep, love definitely makes you stupid, forcing your brain out your ear in manageable chunks of gray matter.

So you can see where I'm going with this. I love the guy and have never spoken to him. I have wondered how the hell I could love a guy I've never talk to. For all I know, he has a pretty good personality, like he likes to hanging out with his friends, make those funny faces and not to forgot his pretty pro with the girls hahaha. But truthfully, I don't think he does. But I don't know what his favorite color is, or what he does when he's bored or what he watches on television. Besides from the fact that he's utterly gorgeous and I want him sprawled out in a field of.. (edit, edit, edit, not for your perverted eyes)

Yet, I am still convinced that I'm in love with him.

Did I mention that I'm not the brightest bulb on the string of lights? Hell, I am that one light bulb that fails to light and makes the rest of the string go out. Still, that does not mean I can't do something about my love.

So, I made plans. That's right, I decided, mooning over the guy isn't going to get me anywhere. If my dreams and infatuated imaginary scenarios are of any indication, I ain't getting over him any time soon. Then again, he's got a girlfriend, announcing your actually like guys.. intentions in this university is a surefire way to commit social suicide, and I'm not the bravest guy on the planet. Lots of obstacles in the way of getting Beam, little too much for me.

Best I can do, or so my planning says, is to get to know Beam and just be his friend. That is probably the best I can do and all I can hope for in reality. I can dream about him in other ways at night, but during the day, I just want to hang with him and share his life.

Sounds really corny, doesn't it? Well, love does that to you, too. I'd like to see you being all cool and Barry White in the face of hopeless love.

So yeah, plans. Step one, go to university as often as possible since that is the only place I see him. Step two, find a way around the social block that is high school hierarchy and strike up a witty, amazing conversation with him. Step three, become his friend.

A three step plan, a tiered plot, a flawless theory. Step one, easily done. It might even give my guardian a small coronary when I do that. As for steps two and three.. I'll get back to you.

Ahem. So, here I go. I, Forth, the idiots who fell in love with a boy in the same uni but different faculty of all places, am going to go forward and be Beam's friend. Oh yeah, wish me luck, because boy, am I gonna need it. And while you're at it, pray for me too, but not to those homophobic gods, because they're certain to derail what little chance I have.


To be continue?

Note: Hey! I am so sorry for this chapter sucks. but i promise you that it will get better. thanks you so much for your time reading and i love you all. also, Im sorry for the long story which is my imagination is going beyond than you know. :))

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