Chapter 6

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* Hello guys, once again. Thank you for the wonderful reviews. I'm glad you guys like this light hearted fluff. And sorry about the early update. (Since tomorrow morning i don't have any classes). I've been quite awake which the whole day been drinking caffeine and now i can't even sleep. hahah

Warning: yaoi, OOC, cursing, rambling..

If you asked me how I ended up sitting around Beam's kitchen table with a glass of juice and buttered toast in front of me, I wouldn't know what to say. Seriously, somehow, after getting my senses knocked for a loop with P'sing's rather flamboyant appearance, I was ushered off downstairs into the kitchen. I don't know what was said, I don't know how I had made my limbs function, but hey, here I am.

Not that I was eating or anything, how can I with Beam staring death at me across the tiny table? And with P'sing sitting next to Beam, still wearing an outfit that would make a professional streetwalker blush, smiling at me and then at Beam in the most unholy way possible? Even if I wasn't so damned hungover, my stomach could not have taken anything.

Of course, it occurred to me that if I didn't get home soon, P'wan would have plans to lock me in my room until I was eligible to vote, but I didn't honestly know what to say to have that happen. Beam had made it abundantly clear that driving me home would be as pleasant for him as laying in a field of centipedes butt-ass naked and P'sing hadn't forced his little brother to do it, so I was kind of stuck here.

Uncomfortable, me? Bite your tongue..

You know the phrase 'silent as a tomb'? That'd be now. You know the other phrase 'if I don't get out of here soon I'm going to bash my head into the table and hope for blissful unconsciousness?' Okay, the second one, probably not so familiar, but it's apt because I'm about to see which is sturdier, the table or my head.

I so bet on my head.

Anyway, fifteen minutes or five hundred years go by, I'm still at Beam's staring at the toast and the juice, when P'sing breaks the silence. I don't know whether or not I'm relieved at that, because honestly, P'sing is scaring me. It might be the outfit, because the last time he crossed his legs, he left no doubts in my mind as to his preference for underwear: none. If that's not enough to send my skin crawling off my frame and scrambling off to China, then I don't know what.

So, what did Beam's brother say to break the awkward silence?

"It's so good to see that Beam has friends."

If doing a double take would not have taken my hurting head off my shoulders to roll under the fridge, I would have done so. What the hell was Itachi blabbering about? Beam is the most popular guy in school. He has friends he doesn't even know about. (Friends my ass. he probably have those girls around him by now)

"He's not a friend." Thank you Beam for the clarification. "He's just a nuisance I picked up last night."

My mind, if you haven't noticed, likes to swim in the sewers. Actually, I'm certain that it drowned in the sewers some time ago and has yet to resurface. Hence, my interpretation of Beam's sentence into something that resembled the movie 'Pretty Woman,' at least without the hookers and the women. The thought made me smile which P'sing caught and capitalized on like a greedy CEO on an embezzling bent.

"Picked up you say?" P'sing stares at me intently, like he's checking me out. Oh god, I need a bucket so I can throw up. "You have good taste, little brother." "Should I say that?"

A large bucket. Needless to say, I'm no longer smiling. Seriously, I may be thinking about Beam in all sorts of sexy ways, but P'sing did not have to voice them, especially in front of Beam!

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