Chapter 11

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I'm very happy there are people still reading. It makes me tingly. Just to let you know, I don't really proofread nor do I have a beta, so mistakes are bound to happen. I apologize in advance. Here's chapter the next, let's get this moving, shall we?

Nicky is my best friend for a reason, but that reason eludes me right now. Because right now, at this exact damned moment, he is on the floor of his bedroom, pounding his fists into the thick, Persian carpet, laughing at me so hard that tears are flowing down his cheeks. Mind you, I've only seen Nicky cry once before, and that was because I opened the door into his crotch. There were tears then, along with a few whimpering sounds that only dogs could hear, and after his recovery, after my sincerest and most abject apologies, after he purportedly forgave me, the jackass cockpunched me. More tears ensued, from me that time, and it lasted a hell lot longer than Nicky's crying. All that just to show you that every time Nicky cries, I suffer great pains and humiliation.

Only right now, as his joyful tears are mocking me, I'm thinking that I'd trade this moment for a hundred punches to my junk drawer, because this is not cool. Scratch that. This is hideous, awful, dreadful, fucked up.

This that I'm talking about, this is the fact that right now, I, Forth Darvid, am in a cute little sweater and skirt uniform of St. Gabriel's School for Girls. (Can you guys imagined that?) I just can't.

Damn it, I'm gay, not a crossdresser! This is totally humiliating.

Nicky won't stop laughing and I can't kick the shit out of him in this ensemble because my stupid boxers made the skirt not fit, so I had to go commando. And let me tell you, going swinging free in the basement is fucking drafty in a skirt and my family jewels are feeling very, very vulnerable to the elements and any intrepid feline wanting a batting toy.

Why am I in this outfit with no underpants, you wonder? Two words explain all – P'Prem Arpornsutinan. Yeah, that's him. 

If it's possible to hate someone to death, it would apply to my feelings for P'Prem the mega-titanic asshole.

I mean, what kind of a sadist forces a guy into girl's clothes? I don't care that he thinks he has good reasons for this, I don't care if my cross-dressing can stop a meteor from crashing into the earth and save every living creature on this ball of dirt. All I know is that I'm in a skirt, Nicky has enough blackmail material to make me his personal slave for the rest of my life (and any reincarnations thereafter, damn it), and that P'Prem is a.. there is no word harsh enough to describe him. None. Maybe something in German, because in that language, saying 'I love you' sounds like 'I will now molest you mercilessly, pitiful virgin.'

Whatever, anyhow, et cetera.. where was I? Oh yes, why I'm in a goddamned skirt. P'Prem. Right.

After fleeing from Sir Bright who had hunted me down through three separate floors of my damned school, I literally mowed P'Prem down in the student parking lot as I was seeking Nicky for a safe house and a ride. He was just hanging around at the edges of the lot, his long, hippie hair flowing in the wind like they do in romantic movies during a slo-mo capture of the protagonist, his arms crossed all seriously and his mouth in a thinking pout. If I had not the biggest tongue dripping crush on Beam, I might have thought him kind of okay attractive, but unfortunately, he started to speak.

"You are Forth, am I right?"

Why the hell have I been so popular lately? This is not the kind of popular I need to get Beam to notice me, damn it! (I would't mind actually if people are notice me. But i rather not to show off so often.)

"So what if I am?" I queried all sorts of surly, I've been stressed lately, don't you know.

"If you are," said he of the long hair and albino complexion, "I am Prem Arpornsutinan." Like I should have known by telepathy? "You will do me a favor."

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