Chapter 4

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The reviews have been quite wonderful. I do love hearing back from everyone. Here's the next part, hope it works. Thank you guys!

Warnings: illicit teenage activities, bit of language, my idea of humor.

You ever notice that gossip travels faster than shit through a goose? Superman has nothing on the speed of gossip, hell, I think gossip goes faster than light. It's a force of nature, too, able to make or break you depending on the juiciness of it. I've seen it bring down the great ones from the top and raise unworthy ones to levels of respectability.

As for me, it was just annoying. Really annoying i tell you guys.

Now, went to university or college has a few rules, some more sacred to teenagers than anything the bible spouts. One is that an unpopular cretin such as myself with no social standing and an awful lot of negatives on his record cannot and must not like anyone from the upper echelon (check out that SAT word, baby) of society. And through some mysterious force, the damned untrue gossip that I like Ying had spread throughout the entire faculty or should i say university and by Friday, I was getting talked about more than an episode of Survivor. Geez.

Granted, no one directly spoke to me, such is not nature of gossip. Everyone talked behind my back, sometimes in front of my face but still not to me. There was a bit of staring, a whole hell lot of laughing and in some instances, creative name calling. (like i even cared about that matters)

All things I'm quite used to, so as I said, just annoying, not really all that new.

Except I so do not like the girl. Period!

Not like I could deny it though. My best friend doesn't fucking believe me, what chance do I have with the rest of them? Though, I got to thinking, isn't that better than people knowing the truth? I'm getting grief for liking a popular girl. I think I'd lose more than face if they found out that I liked a popular boy. Actually, I think I'd be hunted like a rabbit, skinned, stuffed and mounted after a due amount of torture if they ever found out.

I shudder to think of it.

So, no wonder that after class on Friday, I had an undeniable urge to just get the hell off univerisity grounds and do something stupid and fun. Thankfully, Nicky was right on track with me. Even if he can be an ass, he still has some good ideas that mesh with mine.

That's right, we're gonna be real bad boys and get drunk.

Of course, P'wan can't and will under no uncertain terms know about that. It is a true thing that many, many teenagers and adults on weekends get blasted, wasted, bombed, what have you at some random kegger thrown at the house of some poor kid whose parents have taken a vacation or something. I've heard stories about cops, ugly break-ups with crying girls, various acts of criminal nature, that have taken place at such parties.

Notice I say I heard, since I've been to a kegger. Not that you need an invitation card or something to go, but I swear, if I ever showed up, I'd get escorted off the premises by some beefy jock who has more gin in his system than common sense. So, for sake of self preservation, if I want to get drunk, I do it at Nicky's house with him. which, is really comfortable.

Good thing his butler, Jacob or Jason or.. whatever his name is, buys whatever Nicky tells him to buy. On that note, also probably a good thing that Nicky and I only like the drinking instead of other drugs, or Jacob (whatever his name is) might have to hang out at crack town in his nifty looking penguin suit. hahaha

Now, that'd be funny.

So I told P'wan that I'd be spending the night at NIcky's, for which I got a bit of lecturing (he trusts me as far as he can throw me) about not doing anything bad. I told him that of course not, what could I possibly do with my best friend who's richer than a South American country?

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