2 - Drunk on Love

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He was drunk again. It was even worse than last night. The sight of him made her eyes swell with tears. Why he tortured himself like this, she didn't understand.

"Hey, come on let's get you home." She said to him, sadness apparent in her tone. She put his arm around her shoulder and her arm around his waist, trying her best to keep him steady as she walked him to her car. "I don't understand, why do you do this to yourself?" She said, shaking her head in disappointment.

"You wanna know why?" He said, hiccuping. "It's because there's this girl I'm in love with, but she's already with someone and I have noo chance with her." he said, his words slurring slightly.

"And who might this girl be?" She asked, lowering him into the passenger seat.

"H-her name is." he hiccupped again before whispering her name into her ear. "B-but don't tell her, or like, anyone. S-she has a boyfriend who's kind of an asshole and he'd like totally kick my ass if he found out." He giggled before looking down in his lap. "It's kind of stupid, isn't it? R-ruining myself for a girl?" She softly shut his car door before walking around to the driver's seat and getting in, trying to wrap her mind around the fact that he was ruining himself for her.

"It is kind of stupid," she said calmly. "It's kind of stupid when it would have been much simpler telling her in the first place." She squeezed her eyes shut to stop the tears from falling. "It's also kind of stupid when the girl is only with her guy to get you out of her mind because she thought to herself 'Now why would a guy like that like her?' It's kind of stupid because when he started drinking, she slowly stopped liking him." He looked over at her with shock.

"W-wait, don't tell me that it's you I told that to." He said, his mouth parted slightly open.

"It's me and you're drunk." She said, wiping the tears from her face. "And like usual, you aren't going to remember this in the morning. You aren't going to remember the fact that I'm always the one to drive you home when you're drunk and you aren't going to remember me admitting that I'm in love with you." She sniffled before looking back over at him. Before she could register what he was doing, he quickly leaned in and kissed her. The bad part was that she didn't pull away, she kissed him back. The taste of alcohol filled her mouth as her lips continued to roam his. Their hands explored each other's bodies freely, not a care in the world. Then she remembered her boyfriend and she pulled away. "I... shouldn't have done that. Y-You aren't going to remember in the morning, anyway. It doesn't matter." She sucked in a breath and put on her seatbelt. "Buckle up, I'm driving you home." She mumbled.

What she didn't know, though, was that he did remember. He always remembered every night that he called and she picked him up. He remembered this night, especially. But he continued to drink each night, knowing that even though she loved him, she loved someone else more. He nursed his bottle of whiskey as he watched her walk down that aisle and into her boyfriend's arms, taking his last name forever. What he didn't know was that she still loved him.

[Word Count 583]

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