3 - Maybe Over Coffee?

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We met at a coffee shop, and like some sort of cliché, he bumped into me while I was in line and spilled his drink all over me. Of course, I was beyond mad, at least until I looked up at him. He looked amazing with his bright eyes, dark hair and a worn out leather jacket, and there I was in some lazy clothes and a messy bun covered in coffee. He was surprisingly nice to me and he lent me his blue scarf for me to cover up the coffee stain. We stood there and talked until we eventually both got new coffees and sat down and talked for what seemed like a blissful forever, like this meeting sparked some sort of instant connection.

He got my number and I got his, and we texted for weeks before actually setting up a date. I remember asking him about something and he just replied "Maybe over coffee?". So that's what happened, we got coffee at the same shop and had our first real date. It was so adorable, at least in my opinion. He joked about how lucky I was that this time he didn't spill his coffee on me and we just laughed. Our dates were always fun and comfortable, and a year into our relationship he asked me to move in with him. The baristas reacted before I did, as if they were watching some sort of romance movie on late night tv. But of course, I enthusiastically agreed. That's when our relationship got a little more serious, but no matter the difficult times, we were still strong through it all.

It was a year after we moved in together when he asked me to marry him. When I was younger, I always told myself that I should wait three years before marrying, but I was so sure about this boy that I agreed with no hesitation. Eight months later in the beautiful, but cold, month of December we were married. I was happier than I had ever been. Three months after that, I found out I was pregnant. Truly I thought things could only get better, but thats when he started getting coughing fits. At first, I thought nothing of it, at least, until I saw the blood that came out. I rushed him to the hospital, and after all of the tests we found out the unbearable. He had lung cancer. That's when my whole world came crashing down around me. We tried everything, but sadly he was too far along and doing chemo therapy would only make him suffer. In the beautful, but cold, month of December, I gave birth to you. I was so thankful and overjoyed he was there to see it, but he died a couple days later from his lungs fully shutting down in his sleep.

I knew I couldn't raise you by myself in the emotional state I was in, so I moved into my parent's house temporarily and started the griefing process. At one point in my state, I thought about giving you up because I thought I was never going to get better. Of course, I realized what a stupid decision that would be, and kept you close as I watched you grow. And though it still hurts, I'm so glad I have you by my side. You remind me of him in the most beautiful way. I know if he could see you now, he'd be so proud of you, just like I am. I'm so sorry you never got the chance to meet him, but I hope you think my love is even a fraction of enough, because if you want, I'll always be here for you. I love you.

Writing this made me kinda cry tbh. I didn't really know where to end it so I just kinda stopped. Hope you liked it!

[Word Count 725]

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