Team Up

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Scott's pov

When lauren left for the second time I needed to bring in some back up. I call Mike and tell him everything. This is probably the worst idea in the history of ideas but I love lauren and I will do anything to get her back.

Time skip to present

Lauren closed the door in our face but we're two strong people so we can easily bust the door down so we do and enter. Lauren is in tears like she just watched her mom die. I walk closer to her she backs away very quickly. She eventually backed into a wall and she curled up in a little ball. I pick her up and she does any and ever thing to get away from me. She gets away and runs out the door we just bust down, we follow her and easily catch up. She stops and just sits on the ground waiting for us, she gave up. When we got near her she said "you can both hurt me as much as you want, I give up." I say that I'm not going to hurt her and that I've never intended to. We go back home and I tell Mike that he can go home now, lauren was sitting on the couch in silence. I sat next to her and she flinched and ran away saying "I'm sorry please don't hurt me." I truly  think we can never be the same that we were before. I go into the room she in and tell her why I had to call Mike to get with. I knew you were going to resist and move away from me, so I had to get him to be the extra mussel. She nodded and stood in silence. I kissed here and said good night, then I went to bed and slept.

Unknown pov

Mike, how could you work for them. Mike said "it's all part of the plan, because if I get on their side they will never suspect me kidnapping lauren." Okay it better be or you will be facing some terrible things, I know people. I will have scott if it's the last thing I do.

Laurens pov

I wake up next to scott and I immediately move. I try to cook some breakfast but there is no food it's like deja vu. I leave a note for scott and head to the store but this time nobody talked to me. I walk out of the store and place my groceries in the car and I drive home, while picking up the groceries a pair of hands cover my mouth and drags me across the street. I see scott in the window so I break free from the persons grip and run to the window and start banging on it. Scott turned his head and saw me and the person trying to take me so he ran outside. It was.....too late. I was drove by a random person with me being tied up, I look out the window of the cat and scott is following this car with his. Scott is going to save me. Then suddenly Scott's tires pop and we drive away from him, I'm scared. I then look at my captor and it's Mike!!! I don't say a word, we arrive somewhere and he puts me in a basement.

I'm very hungry, I shout and then my calls are answered by Scott he helps me and I'm a little confused on how Mike didn't hear that. We both drive home and I forget why I was even mad at him then I drift off to sleep.

Hurts--A dangthatsalongname and laurenzside fanfic (Complete Story)Where stories live. Discover now