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Lauren's pov

I wake up to Scott just staring at me, and it was weird. Scott said "I'm just admiring art, and......
 and.. IWISHYOUWEREMYGIRLFRIEND  he said to quickly for me to hear it so I said, say it again please, I wish you were my girlfriend and I want you to be he said normally. I said, I want to be your girlfriend too. Would you be my boyfriend, Scott said, I absolutely would.  I then hugged him as tight as I could and I feel this weird feeling inside me, what is it called? I think that it's love actually. I never thought I would say this out loud or even in my head but.....I LOVE THE FEELING OF LOVE !!!!!!
(I shouted it too)

Scott's pov

Yes, lauren is my girlfriend, and I just heard somebody scream something about loving the feeling of love. The truth is that I would shout it out with them from the highest mountains and the lowest valleys. I'm just so happy, I think the world is giving me a gift for saving her and not turning my back on her like Mike.
Actually, I'm not going to say or think his name he shall now be known as keyvon. I just thought I can do the girlfriend tag for my channel, come to think of it I'll get lauren to start her own youtube channel and I know it will be successful.

Unknown pov

Little do they know, I'm watching them as I speak. How do you not spot the camera it's in the most obvious spot. They won't know what will hit them, I will test them, I will break them, I will crush them, and I will shake their  core on this relationship to see if it is meant to be

Did you see that I rhymed the last line, without even trying to. See mom I am a successful  at being a villan, and let me leave before she tries to call me.

Hurts--A dangthatsalongname and laurenzside fanfic (Complete Story)Where stories live. Discover now