Things go bad

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Scott pov

I woke up and I woke lauren up because she has some explain to do. She woke up and I said let me get straight to the point, why did you run away there is something your not telling me. She said "I'm not telling you"  well why I said "Because it's none of your business" well if it made you run away from me then it is my business. She sighed and told me everything that went down at the store. I hugged her and I said that I love her and that I would never do that to her but I can tell she flinched just a little bit. Okay now that we got that settled what are going to do today I say. Wait, I actually have a party with my friends tonight, a lot of people there you won't know do you want to go? I ask/said "No I'm fine lauren said "you go have your fun, just don't stay out to late please." Okay I say

Time skip
Time for scott to leave 

I leave out of the house and now off to the party!!!

I'm at a party and everyone was just drunk but I wasnt, I only had one drink. Everyone was trying to get me to drink but I just happily declined. I walked over to the punch and drank three cups of that. Then I went back to my seat and I felt a little woozy, then I felt a lot woozy. I then realized that someone spiked the punch! I lost grasp of myself and feel into the drunkness..........jdiehdhherjrjrjrrjdhdnrjjdrjddiduhdidjdjdjdndjdjdmdienjxbwtsveidodkesjso2juznsmos is all I can manage to say or think. I really need to go home.

(I was to lazy to put what exactly happened at the party)

I ask someone who isn't drunk to drive me home, when I got home I didn't know what I was doing I was to drunk. I saw lauren and that's where everything went south.

Laurens pov 

I saw Scott come in so I gave him a hug, I could sense something is wrong. I kept hugging him and he told me to get away. I said why and he said,"Because I said so, now get away" What's wrong with you Scott I asked, even though I could smell the alcohol on his tongue. "I SAID GET AWAY!" Scott yelled while slapping me. I backed away while he snapped out of his drunkness. He just realized what he just did and said sorry at least 10 times. He tried moving near me and I backed away with pure fear on my face. I knew I shouldn't have stayed here, I should have left when I had the chance. I ran out of the house and this time I ran to britt's (BBpaws) house. I ran over a mile to get there and it was raining. On my way there a car followed me and I saw Scott in a car with Mike. I started running and when I got  to britt's house I bang on the door frantically while they both exited the car coming towards me. Then the door opened I quickly entered the house a closed the door behind me. Then............

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