Will she survive?

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Scott's pov

lauren will not survive, the doctor said that he is so sorry. We can keep her on life support, if she dosent wake up then we can't do anything I'm so sorry. I breakdown and start crying, I love lauren now she is gone.

Laurens pov

Where am I, I feel weird. You're dead who said that it's me, it's your mother mom is that really you yes what am I going to do now you have to fight, Scott loves you go back to him he is going to hate me for running away but I said he loves you he will understand okay I'll try, but how do I go back do you see that picture of scott yes grab it and go back okay, woah

I wake up and I see that I'm in a hospital bed, and a nurse walk in and screams that I'm awake. A whole bunch of doctors and nurses come in and are amazed by me many shouted it's a miracle. The head doctor ask me if I wanted visitor and I said yes knowing scott would be her. On cue scott comes in and hugs me and was in tears, I was too. I love you, he said. I love you too, I said.

Time skip to 4 weeks later

Me and scott are happy, we love each other and nothing is wrong. Life if great.


Life is great
That's what's she thinks I will get her and this time I will do it myself, she will never see it coming

The End

For now........

That was great and I will make a second story for this don't worry I will start making a new story in a few days or weeks, I really don't know but bye.

Hurts--A dangthatsalongname and laurenzside fanfic (Complete Story)Where stories live. Discover now