Chapter 3

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After a week of hiding and dodging, Sarah and I finally made up. " Hey." Sarah sat a hot cup of tea and a copy of The Blood of Olympus on the table in front of me, her way of apologizing. I look at the book contemplating if I should accept or deny. I mean those words do look pretty interesting  and I did say that I wanted to read it. " Theodore, I'm sor-" I got up and wrapped Sarah in a big hug. I couldn't take it anymore. I was tired of not being able to relax in my own house and there was no reason that our grudge should have lasted more than a day. Sarah returned the hug.I knew she was sorry I just didn't want to hear her say it. We stood there for a minute as I picked up on Sarah's feelings. " Yeah, we know." I mumbled into her hair.

 " Oh, thank God!" I looked up to find Amani at the end of the hallway, " Because I was getting tired of having to split my friend time. Now we can watch movies together and eat popcorn and candy." Amani wrapped his arms around the both of us and we just all stood there looking like a bunch of iron deficient friends trying to keep each other warm. "And just so you know. You're little stunt didn't work on me. You took my popcorn." Amani's eyes popped open. " And you helped him eat it."  Whoa, wait minute ... " Me?"

" Yeah, who else am I talking to? But you know what?"

" What?" Amani and I said in unison.

"Food doesn't come free. You have to work for everything you want in life.."

Wayment...Sarah was starting to not make sense anymore. We knew what that meant. Amani and I couldn't even get a good look at each other before Sarah started throwing things at us.        " Ruuunn!!!!"

" Nothing in life comes free you guys." She had a shoe in her hands and had thrown it down the hall hitting Amani right in the butt. " Aaaahhhhh. I've been hit. I've been hit." Amani played out a dramatic death as I fell off balance landing on my back into my room. Perfect! " Oh, It's not over yet Teddy. You're next. I'm coming for youuuu!!!" I heard Sarah's footsteps as she ran towards my room. Oh, shoot!! I was going to die. This was it. " Tell my mother, that even though I never knew her, it was nice knowing her." What was he talking about?Amani put his hand over his heart and began to gasp. Thud. His life's journey was complete.By the time Sarah made her way into my room I was well hidden behind the door. She walked over to the other side of the room near my dresser and the window. " I know you're in here Teddy. I saw you run in here. Now, you're either in the closet, under your bed or...." her footsteps grew louder.Pause.I heard her snatch the closet door open and flick on the light. " Ok, So you're not in the closet." She started walking towards the door and just when I thought it was over she turned to look under the bed.Oh my gosh. When will the terror end? At any given moment she could just turn around and see me. " Teddy?" No response. " I know you're in here. Just trying to give you the chance to give yourself up." Ok, let me think. If I turn myself in now it won't be as bad as her acutally having to find me. Ok, to heck with it. I mean I only have my life to lose. I stepped out from behind the door with my back against the wall which left Sarah standing a few feet away from the door.

" Ever hear the saying ' You can run but you can't hide'?"

" Wait, No.Sarah ,you don't want to do this!" I put my hand out in front of me as if they could actually protect me.

" What do you mean 'I don't want to do this'? Of course I do. That's why I'm doing it." Before I could protest any longer Sarah was over and in front of me within a flash. She raised her hands, I knew what she was going to do, but instead of her pulling my ears she pinched my nipples and began to twist. " Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh." I didn't even know I could scream that loud. " Amani help!Pllleaaaaaseee!!!!!!" At those words Amani came to the rescue in an instant. He ran into the room " tackling" Sarah and pinned her to the floor. "Quick, Teddy. The pillows!!" Right, even though I hadn't fully recuperated, it was time for payback. I grabbed a pillow and began to whack at anything that wasn't Amani. Amani grabbed a pillow of his own and we each took turns hitting Sarah with our pillows. " She's getting up!!" Amani pointed. Sarah took whack after whack and then out of nowhere she clothes lined us, at the same time. I didn't even see it coming. We lay on the floor trying to catch our breath when Sarah starts her turn of whacking away. " Say, you're sorry."

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