Chapter 5

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Guys!!! I am so sorry that I'm not giving very much importance to this book. I keep on updating the one and ignored this. Really very sorry. But now, I think it's high time I should run this book parallel to its sister book. You guys will know the reason soon. Both these books complete each other. They can stand alone, but together, they're complete. Alright! Let's get into business and end my bak bak now.

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It was a blast with her today. She blended well with everyone. I didn't realize the time ticking away with her next to me. I explained everything to her. She listened very much intuitively. She was totally engrossed in my explanation.

Ricky, Riaan and Jeet looked also were with me in the briefing section. We prefer to work as teammates more than having one leader. I believe that's the best way to get everyone to give their best. Rather than me alone voicing out, all our voices united would be even loud and unique. That's what I call teamwork.

Soon, it was lunch hours. We normally bring one food each and share it in our workplace. It was Ricky's idea. He says sharing food can  increase the love and understanding between people. Well, initially I thought this guy was mad, but I realized it was true when we began practising this. Our bromance developed and all the ice between us was melted. At times, we just work up to lunch hours then take lunch break until the end of office hours. But that is only when we have got less workload. Otherwise, we would be screwed by Shivaay.

'So, Chutki! What you brought for lunch today?', Jeet asked her.

'Woh... actually.. I didn't bring anything. I thought of buying something here. I didn't know that we have this lunch sharing thing', she expressed.

'Its ok Chutki! No problem! You can eat with us today! We brought a lot. But, please bring food from tomorrow, okay?', Ricky added while putting his arms over her shoulder.

She nodded in agreement. But, baldie Ricky! Why are you putting your hands around her? She might feel uncormfortable. Anyways, she went ahead and sit with us on the round table, next to me. We shared the food we brought. Gauri was getting a little extra attention from all the boys, including me.

Riaan's food was a little hot and spicy. Gauri started crying as she couldn't take the hotness of the food. God! She's so innocent and cute. I immediately gave her my water. She gobbled them up and composed herself. The boys scolded Riaan for bringing spicy food. They promised never to bring spicy food ever again as our Chutki isn't able to take it.

After that, we continued our work. Then, it was time to leave. Gauri bid good-bye to everyone with a hi-5 and a side-hug except me. She shook her hands with me. I guess something about me is making her feel at discomfort. It was preventing her from getting into comfort-zone with me. I'll have to figure it out.

After everyone left, I went ahead to Shivaay'a cabin. Dadi had called him home for dinner and she made it my responsibility to ensure Shivaay comes along.

I knocked and enter to find him busy on his laptop. Yaar!!! This man!!! Doesn't he do anything else apart from work? Then a faint smile formed on his lips. What the???!!! Did I really saw him smiling???

'Whoa! Kya bath hai? The Shivaay Singh Oberoi is smiling to himself!!!', I exclaimed surprisingly.

Shivaay was jolted by my exclamation. It was so clear on his face.

'As if I don't smile or laugh normally', he replied sceptically.

'You do! But not when you're all alone like this. Normally this Soft Singh Oberoi shows up only in front of Dadi. Unless...', I paused for the effect. I love doing this actually. Say something and stop it midway, make the person in front of you to be curious. That look on their face at that moment is just priceless.

'Unless what???!!!', Shivaay asked impatiently.

'Unless... you're in love!!!', I shouted out excitedly with a mischievous smile. And now, I know exactly what he'll do!

'You're.... you're mad!!! Totally mad!!!'

And yes! He did it! I really love to make him do that. Hahaha! Such a naughty little brother I am. Let's further irritate him my mind instigates me.

'Oh is it? Then can you tell me the reason behind your smile just now?', I purposedly asked further.

'Woh... main... woh... urrrrmm... I was smiling because of the exceptional deal we signed yesterday', he replied coldly.

'Acha! Really???', I asked sarcastically. The game was just beginning to heat up and Shivaay chilled it down already!

'Yes! And no more questions on this. Chapter closed! Got it?!', he warned. Yeah, I knew this was bound to happen. And being the younger, I have no other choice but to obey him silently, right?

'Alright! Don't be the angry young man again. Especially not now huh! Dadi called you home for dinner tonight. Chalo let's go!', I claimed and went straight ahead to pull him by his hand.

'Om, yaar! Stop behaving like a child! I've got some important work to be completed. Please inform Dadi', he retaliated still being a little angry. I wonder how he can get angry this fast! But if I leave him here, then Dadi will beat me black and blue.

'No way!!! Your girlfriend will screw me up! You're coming with me! That's it!', I spoke my mind out and pulled him by his hand again.

'You just know how to appease me huh? Ok fine let's go', he said and closed the laptop.

Yes! I knew that trick would work. Maybe not the first time, but it certainly would the second time. We got in Shivaay's car and he drove to Oberoi Mansion.

Precap: Om in Gauri's house.

-To be continued-

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