Chapter 6

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We both went in to find an angry Dadi sitting on the couch. She's faking it. We both know it but appeasing her is one of our favourite job. Both Shivaay and I are the reason she's become a spoilt brat like this. Haha!

We walked upto her, and sat next to her. She was sandwiched between me and Shivaay.

'What's the time now, huh? Is this even the time to come back?', she questioned us both. And that's the breaking point we were waiting for. We both know exactly what we should do now. Shivaay and I pulled our ears and said sorry. And that's just the right dosage that Dadi needed to throw that 'anger' away! She hugged us both and gave a kiss on both our forehead.

'I had nothing interesting... usual stuff at work... interns are here and I've got a pretty one under me... but Dadi... Shivaay had a romantic encounter with his intern', I began to tease Shivaay.

'Kya??? Really Billu???', she asked him with shockingly.

'Nothing such Dadi! That girl was crazy...', Shivaay went on with his rant. My God! I've never heard him ranting like this before. I think his head is going to explode of anger. Dadi and I looked at each other in disbelievement. Once he was finished, we were both speechless. Dadi turned and looked at me. She was pretty much shocked to find her Billu talking this much. I raised my eyebrow and pointed towards Shivaay to indicate to her that something is cooking about him.

'Calm down, Shivaay!', Dad said while coming down the stairs with Mom. My busy parents! Luckily now Dadi has established the rule of eating together at least once a week. Otherwise, I would have forgotten how my parents look like. I know they love and care for us but it's just that they love their business more.

'It's good to have you here tonight by the way', Mom added. And I know that she really meant it. She shows as if she doesn't care for Shivaay but deep down I know she does. Her face always lits up whenever Shivaay is around.

We had dinner together. All the dishes were mine and Shivaay's favourite. It reminded me of our childhood days and we started talking about it. To my surprise, the whole family joined our conversation. Mom and Dad also had so many things to say. I hardly remember having them next to me while growing ko yet they knew so much about us. Dadi made the conversation weird all of the sudden. She insists that I and Shivaay get married quickly as she wants greatgrandchildren.

'This old lady! Baccha chahiye toh hume bali ka bakra kyun banana chahthi ho???!!!'

I know it's bad to say like that about Dadi but sometimes her talks and actions just drive me mad! And to add icing on the awkwardness me and Shivaay were going through, Dad and Mom said that they should start looking for brides for the both of us. If possible, they wanted us to get married together at the same time. Okay! Now that's extra weird. After the dinner, Shivaay bid good-bye to all of us and went back to his house. I wonder why he can't live with us in Oberoi Mansion. I miss having those late night snacks with him in the kitchen. I miss our hearty talks. Even if I see him everyday, it still doesn't compensate.

The next day, I was awoken by the call of rain. The water droplets falling on the roof and thunder every now and then. Okay! This is the worst day to get up. I love smuggling into my bed when its a rainy morning. It feels as is my warm comforter is protecting me from the evil coldness out there. Just then, Dadi walked in with a cup of coffee. Hmmm... I just love the smell of the coffee she makes! It's strong but creamy and not so sweet all at the same time.

'Good morning!', she greeted at the topmost of her voice and came and placed the coffee on the side table. She sat on the bed and gave me a forehead kiss.

'Rise and shine, baby! See Dadi made you your favourite coffee. I know this rain will make you lazy to get up. But now that I'm here... up now!

I smiled and got up. Okay, another great way to start my morning. I hugged her and planted a strong kiss on her cheeks. Later, after taking my breakfast, I drove out to Ahaana Authentics. It was still rainy.

I arrived a little late that morning. I straight away went into my workplace. I forgot to do something yesterday for my project. When I entered, I find the boys sulking over something. I went ahead there. Gauri was nowhere to be seen yet. I wonder where she is.

'What's up bouys???', I generally asked while hitting the couch there.

'O! There's a huge problem. One of our designs for the Paris fashion week seems impractical', Riaan replied tensedly.

'What? How is that possible??', I asked in disbelievingly as I know that all our designers never ever make a sketch that is impractical in reality. They're all hand-picked out of the best by Shivaay himself.

They explained to me that the choice of fabric that we're given is difficult to be sew in the way the sketch is. We were all lost in our own thoughts finding solution when we heard a voice.

'Can I try it?', Gauri asked with much hesitation. When did she came in? She gave us all creeps by doing that. I hope this girl never does this again.

'But Chutki, we're saying right that it is impossible!', Jeet stopped her.

'Just one try Joker Bhaiya! Just one!', she pleaded. She seemed to be very confident.

'No Chutki. We know this well. It is not possible in reality', Ricky argued.

'But, Baldie...',

'Go ahead! Try whatever you want. Sonu... please give her the sketches and the fabric', I instructed. A chance is all she's asking. Plus there's no gamble over here. If she successfully completed it, then it's a pride for us. If she couldn't, then it makes no difference. We can alter it.

So she sat down and analyzed the sketch. She made a few calculations, went through the fabrics. She laid down the fabric on the table and began sketching on it. It's so amusing to find her so indulged in her work. It's like she loves doing what she's doing unlike me who's been doing this for the sake of doing.

She spent the whole day working on that particular piece. By the end of working hours, I heard all cheering up. What happened??

'Chutki, you're incredible! Even we experienced people gave up that easily but hats off to you girl!', Riaan complemented her.

They all congratulated her and gave her huggies. Then, her gaze fell on me. She was looking at me with a grateful smile. Her eyes as always were sparkling as bright as the stars. I smiled back and nodded.

She then went out. I went ahead and examined the piece Gauri was working on. Every minute detail was very much perfect. Each and every detail was very well defined. It's amusing to find such a talent. That's when something struck my mind.

Why don't I bring Gauri along to Paris. She'll get quite a good exposure over there. She can certainly gain more experiences which would help her. I need to talk about this to Shivaay. Before that, I've to ask Gauri. I need to know if she can make it.

I left our workplace and was passing by Shivaay's workplace when I overheard Gauri talking to Anika. Anika was insisting on staying up for her homework and asked Gauri to go back first but Gauri was being adamant to accompany Anika.

This girl! She's always this adamant I guess. I stepped in and offered to drop Gauri. I also made a deal with the girls that Shivaay will drop Anika home.

Anika agreed right away but Gauri declined. I managed to pull out a confused look and look at the both them alternately. Gauri please agree to come with me. I need to talk to you about the Paris trip. Please Gauri! I was begging mentally to her.

Anika then persuaded Gauri to go with me. And she finally agreed! I seriously would do anything for Anika because of that!!! I was mentally jumping out of joyness but I with very much difficulty maintaned my cool look. Now comes the though part, persuading Shivaay to bring Anika back home.

PRECAP: Om in Gauri's house.

-To be continued-

P.S. Guys.. sorry to be repeating the same precap continuously but I promise this thing would happen in the next Chapter. So, please vote and leave your comments!😊😊😊

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