084 ; sinking deep

45 15 13

[above is a song by my absolute favourite band, Daughter. this live version literally gives me goosebumps and i think it fits this chapter and the next few so, have a listen :3 ]

 this live version literally gives me goosebumps and i think it fits this chapter and the next few so, have a listen :3 ]

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she choked out.

i looked up at her.


why do you have to go?”

she sat down on the cold concrete next to me

and pulled my head onto her shoulder.

“my uncle and his work.

it’s kind of a yearly thing.”

i nodded sadly

and gripped her tightly

i never wanted to let go

never wanted to let her go

as long as i lived.

the sea was bringing a storm

stirring up the sky

causing clouds to rupture

into a grey-blue overflow

of water

frothing into the waves of the ocean.

please don’t leave me.

please don’t leave.

please don’t.


how many times had i said those words in my lifetime?

too many to count.

and they were completely powerless

to the catastrophy in front of me.

please don’t leave me.

and now she was leaving.

[ #sorrynotsorry ]

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