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every time the chapter is lowercase it means they're not texting on snap in this chapter

Harry sighed as he looked in the mirror, running a hand through his long hair. It fell to his shoulders. Maybe it was time to get it cut. He loved his precious strands but he knew he could grow it back as quickly as he cut it.

So that's what he did. He got a haircut. His precious hair gone and he kinda missed it. The short hairstyle looked good on him though, made him feel more mature and older. Harry smirked as he looked in the mirror, messing with his hair and placing it a certain way before paying the man who cut it. He left, not before saying thank you.

So Harry was on his way to the vintage record shop downtown. He loved thrifting for old vinyls. Once he walked in, a bell chiming above his head to signal he was coming in, he was greeted by a dark-haired girl. I guess you could say she was 'beautiful.' At least that's what Harry thought. He smiled at her, going over to her and reading the name on her shirt to himself. Kendall. Nice.

"Where are the records?" He asked. He knew where they were, he just wanted her to take him to them. She smiled. Of course she found Harry attractive as well, the dimples in his cheek showing as he smiled at her. Her brain took a few seconds to process the slow rasped words that came from his mouth before she blushed and showed him the way. He thanked her, moving out of her way and began to search through all of the records he could before he got tired.

Ariana was dancing around in her room while also doing her makeup. The song she was dancing to was Deja Vu by Post Malone. Her hips swung as she added a coat of matte lipstick on her lips. All she had to do now was pick out her clothes. She was going to walk her dogs with her best friend, Doug.

Once she was done, she just put on a basic white tank top and some joggers, she went to go get the leashes for all three of her babies.

"Y'all ready?" She asked, throwing a leash at Doug, laughing as he jumped. Once the leashes were on all three of the dogs, they headed out.

Harry was done, the only vinyls he could find at the moment was Nirvana, Fleetwood Mac and Elton John. He had to get them. Kendall rung him up, told him the total and her number, which he had asked for when she was bagging his vinyls up. He smirked as he grabbed the bag from her, walking out of the store and continued to be on his way to his car.

As he was walking, he saw a familiar dog running his way. Where had he seen a dog like this before? His eyes squinted as the dog ran his way, stopping in front of him, wagging its tail and sticking its tongue out. Harry laughed, bending down to pet the dog. "Hi. I bet you're hot from running." He said, looking at the leash that was lying on the cement. It was still on the dogs neck but he didn't see anyone chasing after the dog. Maybe it ran away. Harry looked for a tag, seeing a silver bone around its neck. "Sirius?" Then it clicked, Ariana's dog! Was she near?

Just then a panted Doug rounded the corner, a hand on his forehead as he spotted Harry with Sirius. "Oh my god!" He yelled, running towards them,"Thank you so much! My legs literally hurt so much."

Harry laughed, eying Doug suspiciously. "This is your dog?" He asked. Doug nodded, but then shook his head.

"No, It's my friend Ariana's dog. I was tying my shoe when he took off." He laughed tirelessly, grabbing the leash and putting it back on his wrist.

"Where is Ariana?" Harry asked, now Doug eying him suspiciously,"How do you know Ari?"

"She goes to my school." Harry lied, looking in the direction Doug had came from. Doug nodded, pointing back with his thumb.

"She back there, she was laughing at me while I ran after Sirius. You want me to tell her you said hi?" He asked, Harry nodding.

"I can go tell her myself, if that's okay with you?" He smirked, reaching down to scratch behind Sirius' ears. Doug shrugged and started to walk in the direction he ran from, Harry following. He stuffed his hands in his pocket as he looked down at his scuffed brown boots.

Ariana was crouched down, petting her other two dogs while talking to them. "Doug is a crazy one, isn't he?" She laughed.

"No, I am not!" Doug yelled, making Ariana jump and look up. She laughed again and then cocked her head to the side as she saw the familiar sweet creature she hadn't talked to since the day after the party last week.

"Harry? You got a haircut?" She asked, standing up and going over to the two. Doug looked between the two before going over to the other two dogs.

Harry nodded, reaching up to run his ring-clad fingers through it. Ariana bit her lip as his green eyes took in her appearance, the sunlight shinning down on the two. He was hot as hell. "How you been? You haven't talked to me since last week." Ariana frowned, looking down at her boots.

"I'm sorry, I've been busy.." He lied, scratching his forehead as eyed Doug and the dogs. "Who's that guy?"

"My best friend, Doug. We've been friends since tenth grade, even though he's two years older than me." She smiled, looking back at Doug also, the dogs licking him all over his face. Harry nodded, an awkward silence in the air.

"Well, I guess I'll talk to you..." Ariana smiled, Harry nodding, both of them saying goodbye before turning back to what they were doing before. Harry walking to his car, Ariana walking her dogs.

Truth is, Harry was very embarrassed. When they had talked the last week, she had said he didn't mean what he had said when he was drunk and truth is, he did mean it. He liked her. So much. He didn't even talk to her that much, she was just showing him attention and being nice to him and she was so pretty. But he knew she would probably never feel the same and he was literally so embarrassed that when he thought about it, he slapped himself in the head.

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