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I tied my hair in a ponytail, going downstairs and straight to the kitchen to receive the treats I always give my dogs before leaving them alone.

"You guys wanna treat!?" I yell out, hearing the faint sounds of little paws running to me. I laugh as I turn to see them all three looking up at me. I hand a bone out to each of them, all of them grabbing one and going to their hiding places, where they eat the bones in silence. I smile as I grab my keys, putting them in my purse before leaving out the front door, locking it behind me and walking over to Harry's vehicle. It was a nice mercedes convertible. Damn.

I open the passenger door, sitting down and closing the door, strapping my seatbelt up and looked over at him to see him already looking at me.

"Hi." I breath, a smile growing on my face, as so his. I see a dimple appear on both sides of his cheeks, resembling the one on my left.

"Hey, you ready?" He asks, his hand on the wheel.


♡ ♡

Moments after driving in awkward silence and low Fleetwood Mac playing on the radio, we arrive at my destination. I open the door, getting out and closing it back. I wait for Harry to get out but he stays in the car. I laughed, crouching down to the window and knocking on it. He rolled it down, raising his eyebrows at me.

"You can come in, you know.." I say, waiting for him to get out the car. He nods, getting out and coming to stand right beside me. I shake my head, letting out a soft giggle as I walk in the dental office.

"Ariana Grande." I tell the receptionist, him nodding and typing something on his computer as I watch Harry play with the rings on his fingers. There are so many.

"Okay, Doc should be with you in a few minutes, if you would go take a seat in the lobby." He smiles nicely. I smile back, grabbing Harry's hand and leading him to the lobby. We sat down next to this women who had a hand up to her jaw, dried blood around the corners of her mouth. My eyes widened as I look over to Harry who was just typing away at his phone.

"Who you textin'?" I ask, laying my head on his shoulder to get a better look at his phone. To my disappointment, he locks his phone and puts it in his pocket.

"No one." He shrugs. I roll my eyes, taking my head off his shoulder. Out of nervous habit, I start to tap my foot against the floor, taking this time to look around the lobby at the different people sitting around.

It was a younger boy, with his mom I'm guessing. He was playing with the ends of his shorts while his mother was looking around the office. Then there was a girl, probably around my age, by herself, texting on her phone. That was it, and of course the women next to us who had blood on the corner of her mouth.

I bite my lip as I looked over at Harry, "Can you go back there with me?"

"Sure, Ariana." He laughed, laying his hand on my thigh. I didn't mind as I laid my head back on his shoulder. I don't think I mentioned to him that I was getting my wisdom teeth pulled. Oh, well.

"Grande!" I hear as I look up. I stand up, Harry standing with me as we go towards the woman with the clipboard in her hand, telling us to go to the second room on the left, which we go. I sit down on the main chair while Harry sits down in one of the seats to the side.

The woman smiles as she writes something down on the paper clipped to the clipboard. "You here to get those wisdoms out, darlin'?" She smiled. I nodded, looking over to Harry who was smirking at me. I rolled my eyes, about to laugh but I stop myself.

"Well, Doc will be here in a couple minutes. Everything is gonna be just fine." She smiles, telling both of us goodbye before she leaves. Harry giggles and I look to him with a playful scowl on my face.

"Wisdom? Oh, poor baby." He coos, as I laugh him off.

"Whatever. I'm not gonna feel anything and I doubt I'll be all doped up like how those people are on Youtube. They just want publicity, that's why they act like that." I shrug.

Harry's POV

Ariana was sitting up, laughing as she played with her fingernails. They were finally done with taking her teeth out, and she sat there with her cheeks puffed out. She was so cute. She looked like a chipmunk. I already had my wisdoms pulled so it was funny hearing Ariana complain about how the people on Youtube act extra, because right now she was acting just the same.

"Harrrryyy! When do we leave?" She asked, trying to pout but it didn't really look like a pout. I had to listen very hard to make out what she was saying, the cotton and swelling of her cheeks making it hard. I laughed as I stretched my arms out. "In a couple minutes. They have to give you your prescription papers."

"Ohhh, yeahhh." She giggled, laying back.

♡ ♡

I strapped Ariana up and started driving back to her house. She was snapping pictures of herself and putting them on her story.



"Are you my friend?"


"Do you like me, still?" She asked, bringing her fingers up to my neck.

"Yes, Ari." I laughed, taking her fingers off my neck.

"Yay!" She cheers(it sounded more like "ayy!"), doing a little dance with her arms before she gives me a kiss on my cheek. She squeals and does it again before laying back on the seat beside me.

"You okay?" I ask her and she nods, putting both her hands together and put them under her head as she acted like she was asleep.

After a while, she started to hum the song on the radio, turning it all the way up. I quickly turn it down a little as she whines, putting her arms across her chest.

"Meanie!" She says, looking the other way as I sigh, shaking my head. I had pulled up to her house and was now walking her to the door. I guess I should stay here until she starts to calm from the drugs. I take the keys from her purse and open the door, the three dogs barking at me but jumping up on Ariana. She laughed, getting down and rubbing them all over. I shut the door behind me and lock it as I help Ariana off the floor, who had got down on her hands and knees and started to bark with the dogs.

"Let's lay down." I suggested, putting her purse on the coffee table in front of us as I sit down with her on the couch. She nods and puts her arms around my waist as she closes her eyes, her mouth still wide open. Shaking my head, I close my eyes and start to rub her back so she would go to sleep.

♡ ♡

Waking up, I see Ariana hadn't moved but she was wide awake. She was playing with the rings on my fingers. "So many." She says, a hand on her cheek while the other plays with my rings. I nod. I didn't know whether to leave her there alone or stay here or take her with me to go get her medicine.

As she was playing with my rings, I heard the doorbell. I get up to answer it, opening the door to see a girl.

"Hi!" She then walked in, searching for Ariana I assume.

"Ariana!" I hear as I walk back, seeing her engulf her into a bear hug.

"Alexa!" She yells back, trying to squeeze her back. I sigh. Maybe this is a sign that I can go now. I walk back over, bidding both of them goodbye before being on my way out the door. Poor Ariana.

eh i tried to make it cute but i'm in hurry and i'm tired and ill probably edit it or maybe not because i'm lazy as fuck

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