Divergent High School

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"Beatrice! It's time for your first day if school!" Called my mom.

"I know I'm coming," I called back.

Let me start by introducing myself, hi I'm Beatrice Prior. This was my 7th school in the past 5 years. My dad's work moves us around a lot but this time my parents promised that me and my brother Caleb are gonna finish school here in Chicago.

Were both starting our sophomore year here, were in the same grade but Caleb had a late birthday so he's a sophomore.

I wasn't exactly good at making friends, or school, or sports or anything really. Everything seemed to come so easily to Caleb. He was smart, selfless, the perfect child. Then there's me.

After I through on my new jeans and hoodie I rushed downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Ready?" Asked Caleb taking a bite out of his granola bar.

"Who starts there first day on a Wednesday?" I asked putting on my black combat boots.

"Just be glad its still September and not the middle of the school year," my mom said kissing my forehead. "Now come on you too, I'll drive you but you'll be taking the bus after school everyday." She said nodding at Caleb to hurry up.

Once we had arrived to school me and Caleb headed towards the main office. "Why hello there," said a boy grabbing my wrist, "Haven't seen you around."

"Back off," Caleb said.

"Hmph fine. I was just teasing," he said and walked off.

"Freak." Caleb mumbled picking up his schedule and handing me mine, "What's your first class? I have Honors Geometry."

"World History," I said skimming my schedule.

"Well, see you at lunch?" He asked glancing at my schedule.

I nodded and began searching for room 208. "Um excuse me," I tapped a girl then tripped and fell onto the floor blushing with embarrassment."

"Wow, you okay?" She asked helping me up, "I'm Christina."

I stared at the girl for a long time.

"This is where you tell me your name," she said.

"Um...Be..." I thought for a minute, I never really liked my name. Everyone made fun of it when we were younger, "Tris."

"Tris?" She smiled, "So where you headed?"

"World History, do you know where room 208 is?" I asked.

"I do actually I was just heading there, follow me." She said, I practically had to jog just to keep up with her.

Then the bell rang as soon as we walked in, "Christina. Must you always be late to my class?" The tall, slender man with brown hair asked.

"Actually Mr. O I was helping our new friend to your marvelous classroom," she said sarcastically taking her seat.

Mr. O glared at her then turned to me and smiled, "You must be our new student. Why don't you introduce yourself?"

I scanned the room nervously, "Um my names Be-Tris Prior and I'm from Wisconsin."

"The cheese state?" Called out the boy from earlier. "Do you like cheese? Did you eat all there cheese and they kicked you out?"

The class chuckled and I turned slightly red.

"Peter. Enough. Welcome Ms. Prior. Please take a seat anywhere you'd like."

I quickly sat in the open seat next to Christina.

Divergent High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now