Chapter Two: Undoubted Feelings

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Chandler’s POV

 I woke up and what I found beside me was Harry. He’s sleeping. Look at his hair; look how it’s being budged by the air passing through the window. But this is all I can do. I can only watch him like this. He’s not mine afterall. All the mine-mine things I said was just my delusions.

The sadness and pain dwells inside me as I think those kinds of thoughts. It hurts. It really hurts. To see how you can do nothing for the one you love except looking his back.

I touched his hair and played with it a little. He flinched after he felt my hand stroking his head. So I stared at him for a while.

“You alright?” I asked.

“I’m the one who should ask that, right?” he countered with his sweet voice. “What happened really? You collapsed there you know, on the hallway.” I saw this worried expression on his face. I’m happy but only if it’s because of love, I would be happier then.

“What’s the matter?” baffled, he asked me again with a straight face.

“Ah! It was nothing.” I averted his eyes and looked away to the side. I don’t want him to be bothered by me too much.

“Hmmm, let’s see do you have a fever by any chance?” he suddenly stretches his hand towards me then feels my head. I held my breath back then so he wouldn’t feel my pounding heart that beats so fast.

“I can’t feel it right. Wait a minute” I’m so surprised when he turned his head on me and then he felt my forehead with his own forehead. I blushed really hard that time. I can’t resist it.

“Yes! You’re okay, you don’t have a fever.” I really blushed that time.

“If this goes on, I’ll melt.” Huh? I-I said it out loud.

“Haha, I guess you’re okay now.” He laughed a little and then glanced at me. He heard it right? He definitely heard it…so why is he laughing?

“W-what is it?” I’m perplexed; I don’t know what to do. He laughed at me. He actually laughed at me.

“You’re okay now because you’re joking.” He put a smile on my face then he stood up. “Guess I’m going back, I’m going to see you later so stay here and rest okay?” he said then he went out the door.

Ha-ha, right! He only sees me that way. How foolish of me.

Then that time I felt like crying but I didn’t cry. I kept it hidden inside. Inside, where no ones will ever know…no one except me.

Harry’s POV:

I hurriedly run through the door when I saw Chandler’s blushing face. I was so surprised when he blushed like that. Though I hid it with a smile…

 Chandler Lennon Harrison, that’s forbidden you know? To blush like that....

I thought as I hid this embarrassment I’m feeling. Well she didn’t know that I have this kind of feelings for her anyway.

I can’t express my feelings to her because I can’t. My reflexes won’t allow me to. And I can’t because of the other guys.

 Hah! Cupcake, you’re so loved you know.

If it’s not for the guys I wouldn’t have to give up. I would not need to give up on you. If it’s not for them…

Then after I reminisce on how cute she is when she blushes like that, I saw Louis running towards me.

“Where’s Chandler?” Louis inquired in a panting voice. Maybe he ran through here. Sweat is all around his face.

“She’s in there.” I rather that I’m the only one by her side but I can’t…the lads like her –in a passionate way of course.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I watch him go to her side. Aside from getting my hands off her, I need to limit my stay by her side too. It’s because I made a pledge to myself that I will keep my hands in any means. I don’t want to stain our friendship.

After taking a one single glance at her, I left without a word coming out of my clenched teeth.

Louis’ POV

I saw her then, there sitting on the bed. She was looking better than I expected but I asked anyway.

“Is there anything you want?”

“Hah?” she asked with wide eyes.

“I’m asking you if you want something to eat.” I leaned my hands on the bed as I place my chair near it.

“It’s alright, I’m not hungry anyway. Ah! Where’s Harry? I should thank him for taking care of me. Did he left?” her eyes seek around the room and then she peek outside to search for Harry.

Harry…Harry…it’s always him. How about me? I’m the one here.

I’m jealous…back in the days; she used to stick with Harry more often than us. This resentment I’m feeling were more painful than I thought. Just the notion of them together I felt like I want to smack something and take my anger out.

Even though I want to see you smile whenever, it still hurts if it’s not me who’s making you laugh.

I rutted my eyebrows with the thought of that. It makes me sick to see that he’s so precious to her. I’m so envious.

“Thanks…” Chandler put on a smile and sweetly gave thanks to me.

“What for?” I asked.

“For coming here…I’m happy.”

“This is nothing. Besides, I’m not the one by your side when you collapsed.” I once again furrowed my brows and clench my fist.

She held my hand and then smiled at me.

“That’s not true. Seeing you cared for me makes me happy.”


Chandler’s POV

Fifth period is starting and they all left me in the infirmary. I felt a little alone by then. I took my phone and started texting my mum.

Hello mum, this is me, your daughter. I collapsed here in the school because I saw Harry with a bunch of love letters in his locker so I felt envious and so my heart beats faster and before I know it, I’m here, lying on the bed of the infirmary. Is what I’d like to text but I can’t. It’s embarrassing.

I closed my phone and started rolling my body on the bed. Then I heard my stomach growling.

“I should have said that I want some food. Sigh~”


Hallen:  So hi guys!!! I found my editor and her name is-

Chris: don't you dare soil my name!

Hallen: But I haven't even said anything yet!

Chris: Yet? so you ARE going to soil my name?

Hallen: Ummm....maybe  (>x<)

Chris: Whaz' zat?

Hallen: As you can see she's as cold as ever. But she's great...I think. well we'll be editing my stories to a PROPER. that every one will like....hopefully.

But I think events will continue to scrape its surprises to another level coz of the punk over there.

Well no one's perfect anyway...So I hope you won't kill me for any dissatisfaction you have on me.But we will try our best.Thank you.

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