Chapter Three: Fuck Off? Me?

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Third person’s POV

Its lunch time and all of the students are eating in the cafeteria. Chandler sat in the available seat near the counter of the serving center. She ordered two pieces of chicken sandwich and a strawberry milk juice and an apple. She’s the kind to be the sickly one so she needs proper diet.

Just two tables away from hers is the space where three girls are sitting. One of these girls is the ex-girlfriend of Harry. Along with the two they chitchat with an orange juice in their hand.

“Hey! It’s her, look!” The girl sitting on the left side named Celine inquired. She pointed her finger at Chandler and made a sassy face.

“Yeah, isn’t she the one who took Harry from you? I heard from the crowd that she collapsed in the hallway near the two way lockers.”

“And guess what? Harry is the one who took her to the nurse’s office.” Continued by the other girl with her hair tied in pony tail while holding her orange juice up to her hand.

“Hmm, that girl? What’s with her that Harry left me just for her? Is she beautiful?” she gritted her teeth and then she clenched her fists as she placed it on the table. She furrowed her eyes and began to give a death stare at Chandler

“Relax, we have a plan sis.” Then she neared her lips full of red lipstick near Kara, the leader/ Harry’s ex’s ears. Angel whispered something and then smirked after that.

Kara smiled in an evil way and she stared at Chandler who is eating her meal.


On the girl’s bathroom at the second floor of the building where Chandler’s room is located, the three girls waited for her. They sent a letter for her at her locker with the help of the guy who fell in love with Kara.

Chandler, can you please come here at the females’ bathroom on the second floor? I have something to tell you in secret.

It was written in cursive and in a courteous way.

Chandler found it at her locker pinned on the front. She pulled it and opened it lightly with her two hands.

“A letter? From who?” she wondered.

“There’s no name written to it that indicates the name of the sender.” She scratch his head and began to walk to the girls’ bathroom located at the second floor as written in the letter.

“Who might it be?” she asked herself.

Chandler’s POV

I entered the bathroom but there’s no one inside. I took a look around and wondered. This bathroom sure is big. As expected from a prestigious school.

“So, you are Chandler huh?” I turned around to see whose talking and I found out that it’s Kara. She’s known for being Harry’s girlfriend and a standout beauty at school.

“Ah, yes I am Chandler. Are you the one who called me? Do you need something?” I asked.

“Yes, I need explanation.” Kara put her hands together across each other, and so as his two underlings.

“Explanation? For what?”

“I need explanation for you lingering at Harry’s side.”

Harry? Me? Of course we’re friends…yeah just friends.

“Lingering? What do you mean? I’m his friend of course I’m gonna be his side.” I complained.

“Yeah, you’re just his friend but you’re giving him such troubles.”

“Yeah, you scum.” Seconded by Angel.

Scum? How humiliating…

“I’m gonna say this only once. Stay away from him. You’re not fitting to be with him so fuck off.”

Fuck off? Me? I stared at them with a calm breeze in my face. Although I want to punch them right now, I can’t because I have to keep my record clean.

“Why do I need to stay away from him? Even if it’s his girlfriend who’s saying that I should just stay away I won’t. No one can shove me away from Harry.” I stated in a yelling voice but in a calm tone.

“What? Are you a beauty to say that?” Celine reprimanded me with her two hands on the side of her waist.

I paid it no attention. What does she mean by that? Am I that ugly?

“Yeah are you?” approved by the other.

I gritted my teeth inside so they wouldn’t notice. Then I took a deep breath. And then calmly look at them again.

“What are you saying? Beauty is just for those who have something to hide like you…you have a terrible manner so you always make it up using your face.” I chastised as I pointed my finger at her.

“You son of a –” then he slapped me hard on my left cheek using her right hand. I stumbled down and hit my head on the floor. I seized for balance and so I felt that my head hurts. I touched it with my left hand and I’m dazed to see blood oozing out from my head down to my hand. I tremble in anger.


“Hmph, right for you so don’t ever go–”

“You bitch!” I stood up while staring at the blood in my hand. “How dare you slap me.” my body shaken in hatred.

“No one, even my mum, ever slapped me before. But you…you bitch! How dare you.” I took my fist and hardly tighten my grip. Then I widened it and slapped them. They lost consciousness on the spot.

“Did I strike them hard?” I stared down at them with my blurry sight.

Get away from Harry huh? Quite persistent words isn’t it? But sorry to disappoint you, you’re not the one who should tell me that.

I bumped my back on the wall of the bathroom and stayed there for a while. I raised my left hand and then I touched my head once again.

“The bleeding won’t stop. What to do? I can’t go straight outside because this blood will cause ruckus on the way.” I sighed in disgrace.

Then I heard someone stomping through the door. It was getting hazy so I paid it no attention.

“Chandler, Chandler? Are you in there?” then when I turned around I heard a hysterical voice calling out my name. This voice? Don’t tell me it’s…Louis?

The door opened and then I saw him catching his breath. He…ran?

He entered the bathroom and then request for explanation.

“I was so worried ‘bout you, you know. I was to visit you but I found out that you got a letter and went here.” He said while looking at me with his gentle yet worried expression. Who would have thought that a known prank-maker-Louis would make such a face?

“Ah! It’s just nothing.” I said bluntly but he looked at me with disbelieving eyes.

“They also said that they heard screams here so…huh? Screams?” then he looked at me again together with the three girls that were unconscious on the floor. “They’re known for being an evil group so…I thought you might get bully but…” he stared at them a bit.

“Guess I’m mistaken…they’re unconscious…you really did has this punching side inside of yours…how scary.”

“It’s not that strong…they are simply weak. That’s all!” I said and then I walked beside him.

“Could you take me to the center? It’s just getting…so…di……zzy.” Then after that I lost consciousness and I don’t know what happened next.

And then the story ends with the stupid princess getting unconscious two times in the hands of the famous boy band who happened to be my childhood friends. What would happen to the princess? Will the prince save him? I narrated in my thoughts while I’m sleeping…haha I’m an idiot…narrating?

Really, I thought that Harry’s going to be my Knight in shining armor but it was Louis.

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