The start of a friendship that was made to last

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Ok before I start I write  this in like your point of view its easier for me :) (its you practically telling the story) 

  Your POV

            I was just your average girl right? Wrong. I am a girl who was born on the bad side of town, the Underground. Of course I didn't mind. My mother was a single mother that did not have much to work for. My father was a son of a bitch that raped and drugged  my mom and BOOM, she had me. He left my mom to deal with me and raise me alone. She was the kindest, sweetest, lady I could ask for. She looked like a goddess with her wavy brown hair, fair skin, green eyes and beautiful facial structure. One day, when I was 9, she went to work and never came back. She abandoned me. I still don't know to this day if she is alive or not. I became independent.

Current day 

   I go to the worst middle school you can possibly go to, Underground Junior High. I got out of my little apartment  and locked the doors as I sling my backpack on my shoulder. I start walking on the streets when I see a girl with red hair and emerald green eyes being bullied. I run down the street and scream "HEY." The three girls that stood there all said,"OH SHIT ITS (Y/N) RUN." and they ran away like little bitches. I look down to the girl and help her up. "Hey are you ok?" The red head said,"Yeah I'm ok and who are you?" "I'm (y/n) (l/n) and you?" "I am Isabel Magnolia! Thanks for saving me!" "By any chance were you heading to...Underground Junio-" 

   " Oi, Isabel whos this brat?" I turn around to be met with two guys around my age, one that was blonde and the other a black haired dude. "She is (y/n)...AND SHE SAVED ME FROM BULLIES BIG BRO!!!"The blonde dude puts a hand in front of me and said, "Nice to meet you (y/n) I am Farlan...and thank you for saving Isabel." I smile at him as a 'you're welcome'. I look behind Farlan and see the boy and I say "And you are?" He hesitated and then said,"Tch, just because you saved this brat doesn't mean I have to introduce myself." Ok dawg I see you must be on you're period...moving on..."Farlan is it true you go to Underground Junior High?" "Yes Isabel, Levi, and I do go there." The dude on his period must be Levi I ignore it. "Oh I'm heading there. Would you two and the salty one like to join me?" "Tch n-" "I WOULD LOVE TOO (Y/N)-CHAN" I giggle and mutter "She acts just like Hanji" "How the fuck do you know Hanji?" salty says. "She is my bestfriend" I turn to Farlan"We should head to school she will probably be waiting for me there."

Time skip to Underground Junior High brought to you by Marcos 50% off sale at his store

       "AND THATS HOW ME AND FARLAN FOUND OUT BIG BRO IS A CLEANFRE-" "Tch, shut up we're here" I look up from the ground and see we are here. "I'll see ya guys later...where do you guys eat lunch? You don't mind if I join you three?" "No fucking wa-" "YEAH PLEASE JOIN US" I laugh and then get hugged by Isabel,"See ya Isabel!" I go up to Farlan and do our special high five(that you two created on the way to school) "Later Farlan, Salty Shorty." I walk away hearing someone cussing me out. 

          I spot Hanji with Skylar(Its a persona I included:))and Erwin. "HEY (Y/N)   HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT THIS NEW HANGOUT HERE IN THE UNDERGROUND!?" "Bonjour to you too Hanji" I turn around and see Sky "HHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYY SKY" "HHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY (Y/N)" We start laughing and I greet Daddy Eyebrows with a hug "Hey Erwin!" "Hello (y/-"The bell rang.

 "Oh have to go to class by fam" They all said bye and I run to class. I picked the seat far in the back but in the middle. My first class was English. I sit down and took out my phone just checking all the notifications. "You're in my seat shitty brat" Levi. I'll ignore him for now. "Shitty. Brat. Move. Or. I. Move. You." I ignore him...again."Fine." He puts me on his shoulder and puts me in the seat next to him. I don't react but once he sits down I ask,"Levi...what do you have against me to treat me like shit?" He looked shocked from tne corner of my eye since I wasn't looking at him. It was probably because I said his name instead of a nickname. Before he said something I said, "You know what... don't answer me. I think you would say something just as fucking salty as you." The teacher walked in and we started our class. 

     Time skip

  That was the only class I had with Levi. But, I remembered how retarded I am to say I'll accompany them to lunch. I walk to where they ate lunch. It was behind the school, behind a wall. I walk to the back of the wall and only see Levi...but he is smoking?!? "Where's Isabel and Far-" "Before you start talking about them..." He pinned me to the wall. "Here me one time because I'm only saying this once...I'm sorry I treated you like shit...let's start over and become best-f-f-friends." I could smell the tobacco in his breath by how close his face is to mine  but, this is a one time thing so I answered. "I would love too Levi." He doesn't stop pinning me and it stays quiet it and he closes his eyes. Seems he is enjoying the quietness. I then break the silence. "Why do you smoke Levi? If it's personal I don't have to know."

       He takes a moment to answer. "A friend told me it helped people not worry about their responsibilities and worries." I looked at the cigarette he was holding and I asked, "May I?" He opens his eyes and nods. I tried his cigarette and I was instantly hooked but, I ignored it. I grab Levi's hand and put the cigarette back. I look up to him and see he has a small blush "Tch, we don't speak of this to anyone ok?" "Sure Levi. Let's start this friendship and make it last." I then hear Isabel and Farlan in the distance.

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