"I never thought I would see the day."

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                 I've still been going to junior high. It was June and I survived without Levi, Farlan, and Isabel. I don't know where they left or where they have been. Since Levi is not here to tell me anything about going to the Scout Academy,  I'm so fucking determined to go. This is the last day of school and me and Hanji are going to get waaasssttteeeddd on vodka and shit...with skylar too. 

3 years later

          I haven't seen Levi, Isabel,or Farlan for more than 3 years. I'm now a junior at the Scouts Academy. I'm not addicted to any drugs really, I only do them once in a while. I have new friends now too since my friends were to chicken to join. Mikasa, Eren, Armin, Jean, Sasha and more. Today is Friday and I was getting ready for school. I get up and get dressed and shit. I start walking down the street and I thought I saw Levi. That's odd because when I turned back he wasn't there anymore. I've really missed him for this time period. Then, I see him again this time I cross the street to see if it's him. 

         I follow him to see if it's him and it FUCKING is. I then go up to Levi back hug him and he pushes me off. I was shocked amd I alrrady felt tears in my eyes. He starts turning around "Who the fuck are-" He then is shocked and kneels down with me and hugs me. "I'm so so so sorry for leaving you (y/n) I promise I will tell you everything that has happened. I've missed you so much even cigarettes couldn't help." I start crying in his arms and I nod. "Tch, you better meet me at the bar near your school after you get out. I'm not happy you went to the Scout Academy." I ignore him. "Here's my number, also  I'll  meet you there." I wink and run off to school. 

          I walk into school and see Mikasa and Eren. "Hey (y/n) where were you? You usually come earlier? Who were you with are okay? Did anyone rape you!?!" I shook my head to Mikasa and her questions. She is such a mother, I love her for that (no homo). Eren is getting used to having a girl like me, not boss him around so he doesn't really talk about anything unless I start the conversation. "Hey Eren..do you know who Levi is?" "Have no fucking idea (y/n). Is he your BOYFRIEND?!? I THOUGHT ME AND YOU WERE TO GET MARRIED?!?" "Who told you that bs?" "Mikasa and Armin wrote a fanfiction about us.  It was pretty hot since it contained sexua-" Mikasa covered his mouth and I was just blushing like crazy. He really wasn't that bad of a looker. Levi though, he is hot...almost a turn on by looking at him do anything. 

Time Skippo to Afterschool

          I walk into the bar and see Levi there in the corner. I sit next to him. "Tell me everything." He gives a shakey sigh and says. "Farlan and Isabel are dead." I was shocked. I froze for a second and tears started flushing out. "H-How did they d-die?"Levi wanted to cry too but not here. He's truly a real man being honest. "We were walking from somewhere late at night and a car pulls next to us and it was that slut Petra," He put venom in his voice when he said Petra. "She asked me for a ride, not Isabel or Farlan so I said no. She then said for all three of us and I said no but, Isabel was already falling asleep. We get into the car and Farlan is in the front, Isabel is behind Farlan, and I'm behind the slut." It looked like he couldn't go on. 

            "We get on a freeway and I smell Petra's breath she's been drinking. I then see her pass out then, the car wheel is turned and Farlan and Isabel are facing the cars and one crashed into their side." He looks like he is about to cry so I drag him to the restroom."Why here?" "Since you looked like you were going to cry." I say still sniffing since I was crying. "Do I continue?" I nod " They didn't make it, and I and the slut did. The reason I never texted you was I changed my number so the slut didn't have it. Two, was I was so depressed I couldn't even get out my bed to eat or even fucking clean,(y/n), thats how bad it was." I was shocked and then hug him. Putting him into my breasts accidentally. He didn't push off since I heard he was crying. I understand that since those were his family.

          "Did Petra get put in jail?" "Nope since her dad owns some bigtime business, he bailed her out." I started cursing under my breath. "Do you still smoke?" "More since the deaths of Isabel and Farlan." "I'm going to make that slut regret she was fucking born. I'm goi-" Levi shushed me. "Shhh, brat it's warm and calm in this place." I still see him in between both my boobs. I then move out the pervert from my chest and wash my hands. He stays at the door and says,"You're ass is just as good looking as your chest ya' know." I then finish washing my hands before he could touch me even more. "Did you stay in school? " "Tch, I didn't have a future anyways." "Levi, yes you can. It's not too late. You're still young ya know" I open the faucet and splash water at him. He then takes of his shirt since he said I 'soaked' his shirt. I couldn't help but stare at his body while blushing. "Stop staring~(y/n)" "i-I'm not staring." "Oh really?" He starts walking to me and I look away.

             He grabs my chin to look at him and he makes out with me. We go at this for a minute since humans need to breathe. "Tch, not bad, let's continue at my place?" "I never thought I would see the day." 

Authors Note

Hey fam well  next chapter is a very sour lemon sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo be ready for it!" - :) 

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