Chapter 10 - A Change in Plans

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After about a month of rest, a messenger from Minas Tirith asked King Elessar to return to the White City with great urgency. He knew there was not a moment to spare, so he prepared to leave the next day. He decided only Arwen would go with him. Not even his wife or children joined them.

"I regret leaving the rest of you behind," he told them, "but I must get there with all urgency, and Shadowfax is the only horse that can take us there with proper haste. Arwen must come with me to ensure her safety, but the dangers of traveling are great because it is still winter. The rest of you will remain here until the earliest possible time for all of you to travel safely."

That night, the young hobbits were enjoying each other's company for the last time before Arwen's departure. They were curious to ask Arwen about the White City.

"Papa said the buildings are as white as snow and can be seen two-day's journey in the distance. Is that true, Arwen?"

"Faramir, we all know your father can exaggerate quite a bit!" All the girls laughed, then Arwen continued, "But there is some truth to that. The buildings are very white, and can be seen from far away. It's an amazing sight to see the banners caught in the breeze, calling you home from a long journey."

"When did that happen?" Rosie asked

"Every time we traveled away, we were called back to the city by the playing of silver trumpets and a parade of people gathered in the streets. We did not travel often, for being King does not allow Elessar much time for such pleasure, but when we did, we usually came here to the Golden Hall. The only time I ever remember the King traveling outside of the kingdoms of Men is when he went to dwell by Lake Evendim, just before I came to the Shire, and of course on this great quest we are yet experiencing."

"You miss life in the White City, don't you?" Goldie asserted, hearing the longing in her voice.

"Well, I guess I do. I mean, it was all I knew before I came to the Shire. I sometimes miss the luxury of life in the palace, and the feeling of security in the protection of the King's house. But there are things I do not miss, like the disdain I received for my heritage, or my inability to fit in or belong in the world of Men."

Goldilocks said, "With the way you do things, it sometimes seems like you better belong in the world of Men than among your hobbit kin."

Everyone turned and looked at Goldie, totally surprised, but unable to deny to truth of what she had said.

Arwen nodded and said, "There are many moments where that holds true, but I also feel a greater rejection from Men because I am not one of them."

Rosie said, "I do not understand why people cannot accept you the way you are! You have faced this reticule and criticism your whole life without relief. Do you think you will ever find a place where you truly belong?"

"Yes I do Rosie," Arwen replied with assurance. "There is a place where I belong, a place where all of us belong. This place transcends race, age, time, and all earthly wisdom. It's a place we all long for within our hearts amid the pain and tribulations of our lives, and it brings us comfort when our souls become weary from our trials. I know a day will come when I will cast aside all that has burdened me and have life anew in eternal peace. But for now, I am bond to a place where people cannot see past simple things like outward appearances. It's part of living in this world."

"Do you fear going back to that?" Faramir asked.

Arwen wrapped her arms around her knees. "A little bit, but at this point I know I have bigger things to fear."

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