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I decide to accept the offer and hang with them. I look in the mirror and realize i look like I've been hit by a bus. I grab my purse and try to fix my makeup. I wipe some powder on my face and fix my eyeliner and mascara. I apply a lip balm and decide that this will have to work. I walk out and josh goes "you look beautiful " i shake my head and say "no I don't. I look awful" josh walks up to you and grabs your hands "no you don't princess. You look beautiful. You always do" i blush and look down.  We decide to go grab a coffee from Starbucks. Josh gets a plain black coffee, Tyler gets coffee with sugar and creamer, Jenna gets a Mocha Frap, and i get a peppermint coffee. I go to pay but josh refuses to let me. "Josh just let me buy my coffee" i say. "No. I'm buying and there's nothing you can do about it princess" he says. He then swipes his card. I stick my tongue out at him and he does the same. "Come one you two love birds I'm hungry and I want my bagel. " Tyler says. I blush hard core and follow them. Josh and I sit in the back while Tyler drives and Jenna has shotgun. Josh and I  talk the entire ride.

Anxiety ( A josh dun Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now