Chapter 30:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 22

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[They are seriously royalty]

Jin and the others waited for a few minutes, he rested his head in between his paws. While yoongi had perched himself on hoseoks fluffy back, curling up into a ball. Three howls were heard as the pack elders appeared all the wolves sat up and were now sitting straight, Hobi grabbed yoongi softly by his scruff while sitting up and placed him in between his paws, yoongi began cleaning his paws out of boredom until Namjoon finally showed up, a small white wolf ran out from behind him it was Momo, she was holding a basket in her mouth, Momo placed the basket on the ground then quickly went to join the other wolves before bowing. Namjoons grandfather put one of his paws in the basket then took it out pressing his paw on Namjoons shoulder blade, revealing a white paw mark on his dark grey fur. It was silent for a while until multiple excited howls and barks were heard. Jin was slightly surprised at the sudden outburst, he didn't want anyone else to know he was an alpha so he didn't howl, but then looked back up at where Namjoon was to find that he was also stealing glances at jin, if he was in his human form jins cheeks would definitely be a light pink right now.

"It's time to eat!"-A wolf howled loudly in the crowd as everyone also howled

Jin couldn't help but wag his tail bacicly meaning he was laughing, Jin thought Namjoons family was adorable, how they would always be so cheerful. Jin was enjoying watching all the wolves get rowdy and crazy again until someone lightly nudged him, kicking him out of his thoughts, Jin turned his head to see Namjoons grandmother smiling slightly then sit next to him

"I've been waiting for so long for him to be old enough to be the leader"-Tami barked happily resting her head in between her paws.

"Are you tired?"-Jin yelped quietly asking the first thing that came to his mind.

"Oh just a little I didn't get that much sleep last night I was to worried about my son, Namjoons father"-Tami yawned showing her sharp teeth while stretching

"Maybe you should get some rest, that way you won't get a cold or anything"-Jin barked as pups ran by them again.

"Oh heaven's no, especially since it's really rowdy at the moment, our banquets don't last very long so I'll be asleep before you know it"-Tami barked a few times.

"If your sure then"-Jin barked quietly with a slight smile.

"I noticed you didn't howl, I'm gonna go with you don't want anyone to know your an alpha"-Tami yelped quietly as jin nodded

"Elder! The hunting crew is back with the last of the food!"-A pup barked happily as she stood in front the elder then noticed jin looking the other way, her fur was the perfect golden brown which had brought out her dark green eyes.

"Woah!~ your really pretty mister!, my names Tala!"-Tala barked wagging her small tail

Jin smiled softly then bent down to her level. "Why thank you, your very pretty as well tala, my name is jin"-Jin barked sweetly as the pups tail started wagging even more at the compliment.

"Thank you! Mommy tells me and my siblings all the time but it's more fun hearing it from someone else!"-She barked happily now sitting in front of jin, the elder smiled and watched them interact with each other.

"Well then your mommy is right"-Jin barked smiling softly, he took a liking to Tala she was very bubbly kinda like hoseok who had probably ran off to grab food with yoongi.

"Tala! hurry and get over here mama is gonna get worried again!"-Another cub barked he looked a bit older then her.

"Bye bye jin hyung!"-Tala barked before running off to her brother, tackling him down to the ground then trotting over to what jin guessed was her mother.

"Your good with kids jin"-Tami barked as jin looked at her slightly confused.

"R-Really? You think so? I've never really talked to any little kids before so I just did what I've seen most parents do"-Jin barked looking at where most of the wolves were.

"You take after your mother, so caring and sweet to those you don't even know, Tala is a very bubbly child so it's easy for her to make friends quickly, she's the type to approach a dangerous beast and somehow befriend it"-Tami barked before standing up, shaking her fur to get the dirt off

Jin smiled he was used to being compared to a mother but didn't mind it. Tami bowed and walked away to the crowd of wolves, leaving jin to sit and do nothing until Namjoon came over to him.

"Jinnie!"-Namjoon barked happily walking over, he had a large deer leg in his mouth. Jin looked up at his silly boyfriend as his tail wagged happily.

"Joonie! hurry and get your tail over here"-Jin barked as Namjoon obeyed and trotted over to him sitting himself right next to Jin then placing the deer leg down.

"Jeez I'm tired, but at least I get to be with you"Namjoon barked happily taking a bite out of the deer then nudging jin to have some.

"Your such a cheese"-Jin barked happily taking a bite of the deer leg

"Oh you know you love my cheesy-ness"-Namjoon barked resting his head next to jins paw.

"Hmm do I?"-Jin barked quietly while replacing his paw with his head,they we're now nose to nose. They cuddled each other for a few minutes until everyone began to settle down

Hobi walked back over to where they were with yoongi sleeping on his back peacefully. Hobi sat himself next to jin before grabbing yoongi softly by the scruff and putting him close to him protectivly, Yoongi had buried himself in Hobi's fur. The pack had gone quiet, everyone was curled up in a ball and asleep. Namjoon was still awake he had to make sure everything was secure. Jin was still awake as well watching two pups play with each quietly, he knew one of them had to be Tala, he could see her light fur and just a place of green eye's. Namjoon noticed what jin was looking at and smiled slightly, while resting his head on jins paw. Jin looked at Namjoon, before resting his head on top of Namjoons, while watching the pups settle down and go to sleep.


Dis chapter was cute

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