chapter 43: Yoongi and Hoseok back story Part 1

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[So this is a little random but I've wanting to do their back story for a while so ya]

Yoongi walked down the halls of his middle school with his childhood friend Namjoon, They we're in their second year of middle school which meant high school was right around the corner. He noticed hoseok, a boy who had bright orange hair. Yoongi didn't really know him that well even though he was there since their first year of middle school, he was really friendly and easy to talk to, but also the type that had secrets. Yoongi had secretly wanted to talk to him, but him being yoongi he would probably say something to offend hoseok without knowing.

"Yoongi and Namjoon hyung!"-A voice called out from behind them, they both turned to see a smiling jungkook showing his bunny teerh

The raven haired boy tackled Namjoon into a hug. "Kook-ah? What are you doing over here, Your next class is on the other side of campus"-Namjoon asked as jungkook grinned

"I'm ditching, P. E. is the literal definition of hell"-Jungkook said as the other two sighed deeply

"Your to honest kook, you could have at least lied about it"-Yoongi said running his hands through his newly silver dyed hair.

"Oh sorry about that, well I'll see you guys at lunch!"-Jungkook said before doing the naruto run down the hall

Both Yoongi and Namjoon chuckled at jungkooks silliness, then quickly walked into their classroom just as the bell rang, this was everyone's favorite class because of the teacher. Mrs. Yella Vitch walked in soon after with papers in her hands, just as hoseok ran in quickly getting to his seat before she could see, the class laughed quietly [Name sound familiar to anyone?]

"Alright Class! We have our projects today, I'll be assigning you your partners"- Mrs. Yella Vitch said as the class groaned

"Umm Mrs. Yella b*tch, what's this project for again?"- A boy nicknamed Woozi asked as the class laughed

"It's YELLA VITCH, VITCH and I told you guys yesterday, you have to write a report on a few random fruits since I have nothing else for you kids to do"- Mrs. Yella Vitch said passing out the papers.

"Can I pick a pepper as one?"-One student asked jokingly

"I'm pretty sure that's a vegetable but sure whatever makes you happy kid"-Mrs. Yella Vitch said as she walked back up to the front of the class

"Okay you little brats look at your papers, your name and your partner's name should be there, get up and walk to your partner if your partner A"- She said as most of the class got up and walked to their partners

Hoseok looked down at his paper his partner was Min Yoongi, he gulped quietly then walked over to him. He never really talked to yoongi but he did think he was a little cute but scary as well. Yoongi noticed Hoseok walking towards him and looked down at his paper surprised. Once everyone was standing next to their assigned partners, Mrs. Yella Vitch smiled bordely and sent all of them away as the bell for lunch rang. Everyone walked outside and headed to the cafeteria except Hoseok who ran off somewhere else, Yoongi had been walking with Namjoon and noticed and him being a curious cat was gonna follow until his four friends walked towards him.

"Hey hyungs!"-Jimin waved with jungkook and Tae walking next to him

"Let's hurry and go! Before they run out of black bean and noodles!"-Jungkook whined, black bean and noodles were rare at school so he really wanted to get them.

"We had that for dinner yesterday when we all went out"-Tae said as jungkook frowned

"What's your point hyung!?"-Jungkook said as they made it to the cafeteria

"Never mind forget it"-Tae sighed ruffling Jungkooks hair messing it up.

They all got their food and were chatting for a while until yoongi stood up. "I'll be back, gotta use the restroom and uh ask Mrs. B*tch something"-Yoongi said as the others nodded while laughing at the nickname

Yoongi walked down the hall and into the bathroom, before putting his bag in his locker, then changing into his cat and jumping out the small bathroom window. Yoongi would do this stuff when he was bored or something but this time he was looking for Hoseok. He put his nose to the ground and picked up his scent, he followed it until he got to the old abandoned library, the door was a crack open and yoongi let himself in, he noticed hoseok in a corner with a box next to him, Hoseok noticed and jumped slightly with his eyes wide.

"W-What are you doing here?"-Hoseok mumbled nervously as yoongi looked at him confused then walked over.

"What are you doing?"-Yoongi mewed swaying his tail side to side but then realized Hobi couldn't understand him.

"I can understand what your saying, I was right about you then, Min Yoongi"-Hobi said as yoongi looked him wide eyed then slowly began to back away.

"Wait! don't run away, I wont tell anyone I promise after all I've kept my own secret all these years"-Hobi said quickly as yoongi walked back closer to him then realized his scent it was really faint but hobi was defiantly a fox

Yoongi looked over at the box he heard soft whimpers, he walked over to see a very old female cat, she wasn't one like him she was just a normal house cat. Hoseok picked up the cat and held her in his arms. While petting her orange stripped fur

"What's her name?"-Yoongi mewed as he sat in front of Hoseoks legs.

"She didn't have one so I named her 'tiger', it matches her fur don't you think"-Hobi said with a smile, if yoongi was a person right now his cheeks would be a light pink

Yoongi felt comfortable enough to turn back into a person. He scooted over to hoseok and sat next to him, pulling his knees up to his chest. Yoongi noticed hoseoks phone in his pocket and quickly took it to check the time.

"Looks like we're gonna be late to class"-Yoongi mumbled as hoseok noticed that he took his phone

"What?! Won't your mom kill you if she finds out you ditched?"-Hobi asked as yoongi gave him his phone and shook his head

"Nah my mom is super nice and she practically gave up on telling me not to ditch class anymore. I'll let you meet her later, your coming over to work on the project right?"-Yoongi asked as hobi nodded before checking on the cat one more time

"Alright I'll see you later, just meet me at the school gates at the end of the day"-Hobi said ruffling yoongi's hair then leaving causing the older to blush.

Yoongi sat there with his cheeks still red, until the old creaky door of the library rustled. Yoongi jumped up and quickly turned into his cat. He blended in with the walls pretty well since the walls were dark and slightly ripped they matched with yoongi's black fur. It was just the janitor luckily he was just checking the doors.


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