Chapter 45: Yoongi and Hoseok back story part 3

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Hoseok continued walking until he finally made it home, he tiredly walked up the dirt road as his front door opened and out ran his sister dawon.

"Jung Hoseok do you know how worried I was?!"-His sister yelled as she hugged him tightly making him chuckle

"Sorry sis I didn't mean to worry you, where's mom and dad?"-Hoseok asked as he walked inside letting his sister in first then shutting the door

"They went out for a dinner date it is Friday after all"-Dawon said tying her long black hair into a ponytail

"Thank God, that means I won't get grounded for being late"-Hobi sighed as he dropped his bag by the door before taking off his shoes

"Nope but your gonna get my punishment"-Dawon snickered evily

"W-what?"-Hobi asked nervously remembering that his sister would blackmail him when he was younger but for some reason he still loved her.

"I'll make it easy on you, all you have to do is tell me who your crush is"-She said grinning

"M-My crush?"-Hobi muttered as yoongi immediately came to mind

"I know your bisexual but your a lot more gay then you think! And I encourage that so tell me tell me tell me!"-Dawon said as hobi rolled his eye's.

"It's no one"-Hobi mumbled reverting his eye's with his cheeks pink

Dawon's face lit up. "OMO YOU TOTALLY LIKE SOMEONE! "-Dawon yelled loudly as hobi covered her mouth with his hand

"Jeez sis the neighbors are gonna hear you!"-Hobi said as his sister rolled her eyes

"The neighbors are like ten minutes away they won't hear a thing"-Dawon said in a muffled voice before removing hoseoks hand from her mouth

"Anyway! Tell me who it is, is he gonna be with us tomorrow?!"-She asked as hobi blushed more

"Ya he is but one of his other friends are coming to, both of them are just like us except one is a cat and the other is the wolf"-Hobi said as dawon smirked proudly

"And I'm gonna go with you like the cat"- Dawon said her voice sounding more calm then before

"How did you know?"-Hobi asked quietly as his sister smiled

"Your shirt smells like a cat, now hurry and go take a shower your food is in the microwave"-Dawon said as she pushed hoseok up the stairs to his room

Hoseok went up the stairs and into his room closing the door behind him. He took off his shirt and smelled it, it definitely did smell like yoongi and it still had his tear stain. Hobi tossed the shirt onto his bed and grabbed some pajamas heading into the bathroom, with his cheeks red. A few minutes passed and hobi walked back downstairs his hair still wet since he didn't bother drying it all the way. Dawon was sprawled out across the couch eating a bag of chips. Hobi made his way to the kitchen taking his food out of the microwave, it was some rice and teriyaki chicken, hobi joined his sister on the couch and began eating, she sat up and stole one of his teriyaki and quickly ate it before hobi could say anything.

*Time skip to next day*

Yoongi woke up and looked at his ceiling, he turned to his alarm clock it read 12:15, he groaned trying to figure out why he was up so early then realized that he had to meet Hobi and Namjoon in less then thirty minutes. He quickly sat up and grabbed some clothes before going into the bathroom. Yoongi came back fully dressed with his hair slightly brushed a few minutes after and opened his door before putting his phone in his pocket, he walked downstairs quietly his father was talking on the phone again, smiling and being on flirty. Yoongi rolled his eye's and went into the kitchen he quickly made some toast and was about to head out the door.

"Wait yoongi where are you going we'll be having guest over in a few minutes"-His father said as yoongi slightly glare at him

"Why do you care? I'm going out with some friends for a few hours, just tell your 'guest' sorry I missed them"-Yoongi said as he put on his shoes and left the house shutting the door behind him, his father sat there frowning and confused on why yoongi was so angry.

Yoongi walked for a few minutes, then looked at his phone it was already 12:38, Yoongi now begin walking faster, he quickly ran across the street and walked the rest of the way to the park, once Yoongi made it to the park he saw Hobi and Namjoon talking to an older girl who Yoongi assumed was hoseok's sister.

Namjoon noticed yoongi walking over to them and smirked."Your late hyung!"-Namjoon called out chuckling.

"Ya ya shut it you!"-Yoongi mumbled as everyone laughed 

Dawon smiled happily, then elbowed hobi's shoulder before walking over to yoongi "Hello i'm Hoseoks older sister, Dawon"-She said smiling cheerfully holding her hand out

"Yoongi"-He said shaking her hand 

"Alright! now that everyone knows everyone let's go get some ice cream!"-Both Hobi and Dawon said at the same time

"I see how their brother and sister"-Namjoon mumbled as Yoongi nodded 

The four of them continued walking, while eating their ice creams which was plain vanilla since that's the only ice cream they could have. Dawon had been called over by her friends and left before saying goodbye to hobi and the others. The three of them continued walking around bordely until yoongi noticed a kumamon shop and ran in.

"Uh? Where is he going?"-Hobi asked confused as Namjoon sighed nervously

"I guess we forgot to tell you but yoongi is a huge fan of kumamon, so he'll be in there for a while"-Namjoon said as they walked into the shop spotting yoongi who was admiring plushies, key chains, and watches that were all kumamon

"Oh boy, I have a strange feeling that were gonna be here a while"-Hobi mumbled as Namjoon nodded nervously as they watched yoongi run around the shop like a confused six year old.



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