Chapter 41:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 33

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Hobi pov

After I dropped off Namjoon I headed to my job. I walked inside greeting the old lady at the front desk, I had my own dance room that was actually a really good size, all of my students we're lined up at the door, I happily greeted the five and six year olds,
I taught younger kids from seven to nine then middle schoolers would come and I would teach them from nine to eleven and once twelve came around I would be on my lunch break. I sat in my dance room scrolling through my phone,eating a bag of chips from the vending machine, until my phone began buzzing, jin hyung was calling.

"Hello Hyung!"-I said sounding cheerful as always

"There are tracker wolves roaming around outside the motel"-Jin whispered into the phone I could hear the nervousness in his voice.

"What? Is yoongi there with you hyung?"-I asked quickly

"N-no I told him to stay inside until they were gone, that was a whole hour ago though"-Jin mumbled still sounding nervous

"What are they doing right now?!"-I asked as I heard rustling for a moment I figured it was the blinds

"Their still sniffing around and they keep getting closer to the do-"-I heard jin pause for a moment it was silent I was beganing to freak out.

"Jin hyung!? What's going on?"-I asked getting more nervous then I already was

"Three more trackers showed up, I recognize all five of them now "-Jin mumbled as I heard rustling again

"Your window is closed right?"-I asked as jin was silent for a moment

"It's slightly opened, but I can't close it it'll make to much noise"-jin whispered, my hour break was gonna be over in ten minutes

"Ok I'll text Yoongi to head over there don't worry he'll be in his cat form"-I said hoping it would work

"Wait! Don't do that! Tracker wolves from my pack are different, they'll attack anything that moves especially cats, three of them are by your door and I'm sure yoongi sees them"-Jin told me slightly yelling slightly whispering, I tensed up at what he said.

"Do you want me to drive over, im sure I can find someone to cover me for a few hours"-I asked as I imagined jin shaking his head

"No way, I can wait until you guys get back here, I'll call you if their not gone in a a few hours"-jin told me as a few students were beganing to come in the room

"If your sure then hyung, I'll call you once I have my next break"-I said as I hung up then walked over to my students greeting them with a smile, I was teaching highschoolers from now to three that's the reason why I would always get an hour break.

Jin Pov

I sat there for few minutes after hobi hung up the phone, I could really use some comforting but it's to dangerous for yoongi to come outside and no way I would risk his safety for myself. I settled on hugging a pillow, I was really hoping Namjoon would call I need to hear his voice right now but he's really busy. I sat in the corner of the room next to the window, my phone went off, I forgot to turn off the buzzer. I looked outside the trackers had their ears up but soon resumed to sniffing around. I quickly picked up my phone to that Namjoon was calling I smiled then answered.

"Jinnie? All you alright? I'm on a thirty minute break"-Namjoon asked me I could hear the worry in his voice and felt slightly better that I could hear his voice.

"Don't worry joonie, I talked to hobi a few minutes ago"-I whispered with a smile on my face

"Is yoongi hyung with you?"-Namjoon asked as I looked outside the blinds again two of the five wolves were leaving

"No I told him stay at his room, it's to dangerous for him to walk over"-I said hugging my pillow tighter, I would sit in bed but my bottom hurts a lot.

"You have to worry about yourself to hyung"-Namjoon told me as I chuckled.

"I know I know and my butt hurts a lot right now, I can't even walk to the bed and you made the hickeys to noticeable!"-I mumbled while frowning as I heard Namjoon laugh

"Sorry about that hyung, but I know you enjoyed it, just like later tonight"-Namjoon said I could practicly see him smirking as my cheeks turned red

"S-shut up your such a pervert sometimes"I said trying to cool my face down

"You love it and your blushing right now aren't you?"-Namjoon asked chuckling as I blushed harder.

"S-shush I am not, go back to w-work your thirty minutes are g-gonna be over in f-five minutes"-I mumbled as Namjoon laughed evilly

"I love you jinnie"-Namjoon told me I heard distant talking in the background

"I love you to joon, see you later kay?"-I said as we both hung up

I looked outside my blinds again, the wolves were completely gone, I figured I was in the clear for a few days. A couple minutes passed as I heard knock at the door, it took me a while to fully stand up but I finally made it to the door to see yoongi who also looked like his butt hurt to.

"You to huh?"-He asked as I nodded letting him in, he most likely noticed the hickeys.

"We did it over three times yesterday"-I mumbled flopping onto the bed then grabbing my pillow again

"Try over five times it's even worse it took me forever to walk over here"-Yoongi said as he sat next to me on the bed

"What!? Oh your poor bottom"-I said thinking about something

"I'll probably get it worse tonight, I kept teasing hobi yesterday, probably wasn't the best idea"-Yoongi said ruffling his minty hair

"Ouch! Well I've been thinking about something"-I said pushing the bangs out of my face

"So you think that their most likely in heat to?"-Yoongi said as I nodded slightly surprised that we were thinking the same thing

"Ya it explains a lot, but as long as their not in their real forms then we or they actually should be okay by Friday"-I said as yoongi nodded but then froze slightly

"Wait if their in heat that means we'll have to make sure they don't get to annoyed or irritated"-Yoongi said as my face went slightly pale after realizing

"Namjoon is probably gonna be really irritated and tired today because of all of his meeting, then having to get more work done the next day"-I said burying my face in my pillow

"Hobi is probably gonna be the same, he always complains about the little kids never listening"-Yoongi said as he ran his hands through his hair.

"Sh*t"-We both said, I let the curse word pass since we were both thinking it

Lol what Is with them and casually talking about sex🤔😂

This is the ending for family of Kim Seokjin

[FINSIHED] DOn't fall in love: NAMJINWhere stories live. Discover now