Chapter 28:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 20

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Jin woke up to see his friends and boyfriend all on the floor eating chicken. He looked at them thinking their adorable, before Yoongi sprung up and ran to restroom turning of the faucet then coming back with a can that he was trying to drop because of how hot it was. Jin sat up slowly but still causing his head to pound, he held the bridge of his nose until the headache went away, he ruffled his hair tiredly, as yoongi quickly put the soup down.

"Hyung! Your finally awake"-Yoongi said happily as he pried open the can.

Jin looked around tiredly then realized something."It smells like blood, did someone get hurt?"-Jin mumbled as everyone froze.

No way in hell they were tell jin about what happened a couple minutes ago, that's like trying to explain your mother why her just recently clean house now looks like a tornado hit it. They had to be careful when they lie jin has a really good sense of smell especially to blood.

"Uh Namjoon wasn't paying attending and rammed into the wall making his nose bleed"-Yoongi said quickly since Namjoon has actually done that before when they were younger.

Jin thought for second, it didn't smell like Namjoons blood, but he just blamed it on his partially stuffy nose then turned to Namjoon. "Joon-ah I thought I told you to pay attention when your walking"-Jin scolded as yoongi and hobi kept in a laugh, namjoon nodded nervously.

Yoongi handed jin his soup that he had finally gotten open, after jin thanked him yoongi went back to his food. They ate their food with the occasional joke or just awkward silence laugh. They we're laughing at some joke hobi said when multiple loud howls was heard all making them turn their heads towards the slightly open window.

"Hey doesn't that mean a leader has...You know"-Yoongi asked looking at jin and Namjoon

"There's multiple forest around this area though"-Namjoon said as scratching was heard outside their door.

Hobi got up and opened the door since he was closer, a small female wolf walked in slowly her ears we're slightly down and her white coat was dirty she came with a letter in her mouth, she walked over to Namjoon and bowed he always had wolves bowing to him, being alpha's son and all. Namjoon removed the letter as the female sat and turned into a person she had a long black pony tail and was probably a few years younger then Namjoon.

"Momo?! Who let you deliver this"-Namjoon asked as the young girl smiled sadly

"It was your father before everything happened, everything is explained in that letter"-Momo said pointing to the letter as Namjoon slowly opened it and began reading

The letter was definitely Namjoons fathers handwriting, it said how he was going to die soon and that he was sorry that he never told Namjoon. The letter ended saying he would die from weak lungs. Namjoon clutched the paper tightly, holding his tears back. Jin was gonna comfort him but he thought he wouldn't know how to, his mother died from the same thing.

"Momo how long ago did he pass?"-Namjoon asked his voice was sad, jin felt his heart break he knew Namjoons father was a really sweet person.

"T-two hours ago"-Momo mumbled wiping away her tears that were threatening to fall. "I have to go back, the pack elders want you there tonight it's suppose to be a full moon,The elders said you can bring them if you want to"-Momo said pointng to hobi,yoongi,and jin while turning back into her white wolf and bowing again.

She turned towards jin and looked him with a surprised expression he looked back at her confused then smiled softly, her tail slightly wagged, then she looked towards Namjoon who looked at her confused, she smirked and walked towards the door where hoseok opened it for her.

"I guess I don't have much of a choice but to go"-Namjoon mumbled putting his trash in an empty bag.

"Wait so that means your gonna become-" "That's exactly what it means"-Namjoon said speaking over hobi.

Yoongi looked over at the alarm clock it read 9:45, "oh sh*t, hobi were gonna be late for my dentist appointment!"-Yoongi said putting his and hobi's trash in the trash bag then quickly running out with hobi behind him.

Namjoon chuckled slightly even though he was still devastated, he looked towards jin who looked like he was sleep even though he was just simply resting his eyes he was actually wide awake. Namjoon stood up placing jins empty soup can in the trash bag. He sat next to jin then quickly pecked his lips, jin wrapped his arms around Namjoons neck deepening the kiss, surprising Namjoon. They pulled away as jin just smirked.

"You weren't sleep were you?"-Namjoon asked sitting jin in his lap

"I was only resting my eye's joonie"-Jin said resting his head on namjoons chest

"Well you make it seem like your sleeping jinnie"-Namjoon said hugging jin tightly

"Are you okay joonie?"-Jin asked worried playing with Namjoons fingers.

"Hmm? I'm fine"-Namjoon said with a smile making jin frown.

"Kim Namjoon! Don't you dare lie to me!"-Jin said cupping Namjoons face

Namjoon flinched slightly those we're the exact words his mother would say to him when he lied about breaking something. He felt tears that we're threatening to fall earlier preck his eyes, Tears ran down his face as he put his hand on jins.

"He didn't deserve to die, he's the only family I had left"-Namjoon mumbled  burying his face in jins neck

"Joon-ah he's not your only family, you still have your pack, and all of us"-Jin said pressing his head against Namjoons something his mother used to do to calm him down.

"I love you so much"-Namjoon said surprising jin slightly, they've never really told each other that but jins heart always fluttered when he did.

"I love you to joonie"-Jin said smiling warmly at Namjoon making his heart jump.

*Just marry me already*-Namjoon thought to himself while pulling jin into a kiss


This was just a little cringey for me because I'm super bad at writing lovey dovey stuff, I kind of feel embarrassed about it.

(;´༎ຶД༎ຶ') current mood


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