His first day

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When I woke up I actually couldn't wait to go to school, I was gonna go to school with a friend for once. I left the house quicker than usual. During the entire walk there I had a small smile. Even when I got to school I didn't care about all the stares I was getting. That is until Hyun saw me and then dragged me away to the usual spot.

"So, what's the garbage ghost girl so happy about?"

"N-nothing." If they knew about him then they would probably bully hyuk too, I can't let them do that.

"Oh come on, you can't lie. So might as well say it before I push it out of you."

"... I-I made a friend." After a moment she then bursts out into laughter.

"Oh my god really, either there is someone as pathetic as you or you are a big fat liar."

"I'm not lying."

"So they are just as pathetic, or were they nice and you are taking things way too far. You're desperate enough for that to be the case anyway."

"B-but he said-"

"Oh it's a he? Hahaha, then you taking things too far must be it. I bet you even have a crush on him huh."


"You so do, maybe I should drag you around school and force you to french kiss every guy in it. Not only will slut be added to your nickname but whoever that guy is will be bound to see it and be scared off."

"P-please no."

"Or what? Are you gonna call for help or something? Oh wait you can't, you're too broken to be heard by anyone." I knew she was right so I didn't even try to call for help. She quickly then grabbed me by the wrist and started dragging me around, probably to do her plan she just told me about. I started crying a little as I was dragged to the front of the school, but then my tears stopped when I saw Hyuk just coming to school.

"Huh, oh hey So-yi." He started to wave at me. Hyun stopped dragging me but still kept a grip on my wrist, and she looked at Hyuk.

"So, you're the supposed friend."

"Yes, I am her friend ... I'm guessing you're the bully then."

"It isn't really bullying if you are just messing with garbage." She stood there for a moment, probably thinking about something. I just wanted her to let go of me but I wasn't strong enough to just pull away from her grip. I looked at Hyuk and started signing "help me" hoping he may be able to do something. Then I saw Hyun had her devilish smile on and I knew that was never good.

"Well if you are then one she is talking about then ghost girl should confess her feelings. She obviously has a crush on you, so go on ghost girl, let your heart out for everyone to hear. And I mean to be very loud." She drags me closer to him and jabs me in the side every now and then as I keep silent. I just kept looking at him desperately, I needed him to help me. The next thing I knew, he punched her right in the jaw. It was hard enough to make her let go and end up sitting on the ground.

"Ow, what the fuck?!"

"You shouldn't pick on people that can't fight back, that's just a shit move." Before she could get up again I hid behind Hyuk so she couldn't grab me again. It took her a moment before she actually got up. Then she gave me a death glare.

"You are lucky this time bitch, but trust me, you'll both be sorry." She then walked away into the school. Kids around us were still looking at us. A girl hated by all was being protected by someone no one has seen before and in one hit he made the top bully leave. I would find that a bit surprising too if I wasn't part of the situation. 

"T-thank you."

"No problem, do you have to deal with her a lot?" I nod.

"Hmm, guess we'll have to hang out a lot then so she doesn't get you when you're alone." My small smile came back after he said that. Not only did I have a friend, but a friend I would be hanging out with a lot. So far this was one of the best days ever.

We head inside for class and another good thing happened, he was put into my class. He was seated on the other side though but that was fine, he was still in the same room as me, it was great. We hung out during every break, getting weird looks every time, but neither of us cared. Eventually school ended and we began our walk home, but we were stopped at the same bridge we met at yesterday. Hyun was there, and had a group with her.

"Since this is your first day here, I'll let this all slide if you apologize and give me everything you got in your wallet. If you don't, then we'll make you sorry."

"So-yi did you hear anything? Because I heard nothing. Maybe it was a bitch talking, I can never really hear those talking. Or am I imagining things."

"Oh that is it." They all started running towards us and on an instinct, I grabbed Hyuk's hand and started running the other way. I didn't want anyone to fight. I didn't want conflict. He must have known I didn't want it either because soon he was in front of me and guiding me away from them. I didn't know where he was taking me, but it was away from then so it had to be good. Eventually he brought me to the front of the police station. I know that them picking on people isn't good, but it's not enough to get people arrested right? He then walked right up to an officer. 

"Dad can you help, that group back there is trying to beat us up and was mugging us before." Wait, dad? I never really asked him what his dad did for a job. I guess they moved here because his dad was moved to protect our city. I turned to look at the group and they all stopped a few feet behind us.

"Oh really, alright all of you. You all get a warning, but if I hear anything about mugging or attempted assault again then you may have to spend a night in jail."

"Yes sir, sorry sir we are all going home." Then the group left. It was such a weird thing to me, my whole life I was told how the police were bad. They never really stopped bad things from happening. They always take away people that try to do good. Yet because of him they all left.

"Thanks dad."

"No problem, so who's your friend there."

"Oh, I'm So-yi."

"Um, I'm sorry but could you speak up a bit." But I was speaking at my loudest though. Hyuk said he knows sign language because of his aunt, maybe his dad knows some too so I begin signing.

"I'm sorry, I have a very weak throat so I can't talk very loud. My name is So-yi."

"Oh that's it, I thought you were just shy. Well listen, if you ever want those kids to go away come to me alright."

"Yes, thank you so much." Actually running to a police man, my mom would probably worry if she saw do that ... she would probably hurt me being scared that I might be talking about what she does to people. I start getting scared at the thought.

"Hey are you ok?" Luckily Hyuk snapped me out of it.

"Oh yes I'm fine sorry, those people can just scare me sometimes." 

"Alright, see you at home dad."

"Bye you two." We go back to both of us walking home, soon splitting up to go to our own homes. I think today was somewhat of a good day, I mean it's the first day in years where I smiled all day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2017 ⏰

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