Chapter Fifteen-Home on the Texas Ranch-(Epilogue)

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"It's late. We'd had better go home, Marjorie". Rod hugged her.

"Thank you. I'd like to see you again".

"We'll be friends...for now".

"I'd like that".

And, as they kissed once more, they rode fast out of the woods. When the front entrance of the Texas Ranch was seen, Marjorie got off her horse.

Then she waited for Rod to do the same.


He walked her to the front door.

"Until I see you".

"Until I see you, too".

The porch light was on.

He heard the door open.

And, when she headed inside her home, he tied her horse up by the rope's barrier. He then let the horse drink some water. He gripped the reigns of his horse, then rode back to his own Ranch...and knew that he was in love. And that tomorrow was going to shine brightly in Texas.

Page 16.

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