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Chantal's P.O.V.

"I can feel something wrong"

"And what might that be? My uncle is on his way here, he called me last night saying that he wants to pay a short visit to see you and of course Caden" Said Blake, all of us are at the living room as of now as we had just finished eating breakfast. I can feel something really wring but I'm wondering why Blake seems too relaxed, while I'm her panicking.

"Uncle you say? Who is he?" Then a man with a strong aura suddenly appeared before us just when the door had opened, he was  tall but he looked nothing like Blake.

"I'm Xerxes, Luna Chantal" Then he greeted me with a handshake, Blake and I stood up to give respect, I was about to hold his hand when Caden suddenly slaped my hand away. He hid behind me which made me really confused.

"Oh? Uncle, what are you doing here?" Blake's brothers asked once they recognized the intruder....

"Why does it seems like my nephews aren't glad to see me? I think you forgot to announce them about my arrival Alpha Blake" Even the way he spoke.made me feel doubtful... he's not an enemy is he? Even if he's Blake's uncle, there's a high possibility that he's an enemy.

"I'm sorry about that Uncle" Said Blake.

"No, it's okay I just wanted to see you and your family. I'll be heading out soon" He uttered... though why is he heading out soon when he just got here?

"Mommy, I-" Caden was about to tell me something when Blake's uncle cut him off again.

"You might be Caden, you're so handsome like your father. I know you can lead your pack well" Caden hid behind me more and held on my hand thightly....

"He seems scared of you, he doesn't really like meeting new faces" Blake uttered, as if he's not sensing anything wrong.

"Kids are like that, let them be... I'll be on my way then"

Amanda's P.O.V.

Lately I woke up throwing everything up that's in my stomach, even when I didn't eat I still puke bit according to Luna Chantal it's just normal. Actually bring pregnant without a mate is very hard, sure it makes you feel free but at the same time you'll find yourself missing the father of your child, the sadness that wasn't there suddenly crept to you and now you realize how much you need him, how much you love him... Ethan might not be here with me physically but I know in my heart that he'll be the perfect father once our little bundle of joy come to this world, Ethan protected me from all the evil Xerxes had even when he's under his control, he fought and protected his mate and his child.

Morning came and I did the same thing, woke up and puked everything I ate last night, I managed to convince Luna Chantal not to feed me too much as I feel really sick when I'm full, last night she gave me many blueberries and bananas which made me really happy. It's about 10 in the morning, she also told me that waking up late is normal for pregnant women like me, it allows me to rest and to also make the baby healthy as well.

Though I'm quite unsure of what's happening, I told Luna Chantal to wake me up since we're going to do yoga so I can fix my body shape and also be healthy of my little pup, but then it's already 10... What happened to her? I walked down the stairs but stopped just when I saw a familiar man standing before everyone in the living room... that's.....

"But wouldn't you want to meet dad? He'll be estastic to see you" Alpha Blake was talking with him but seeing his eyes... Looking at him...

My knees started to buckle as my hands trembled in fear, I bit my lips and went closer to Luna Chantal who gave me a small smile. Those eyes.... I can't be mistaken.... He's....

"I have more things to do, I'll get going" He spoke but looked at me with a smirk.... He knows.... That I know him...

"Let me send you out then Uncle" Alpha Blake proposed then he escourted the man out... I can't be wrong... It's the same....

The moment the door closed my knees weakened and so I collapsed on the floor, all of them rushed towards me but the clostest one is Luna Chantal. My eyes travelled to Caden who was starting to tear up and wrapped his arms around her mother who is comforting me. I tried to close my eyes and breathe in and out to regain my breath... I was trembling too much and my heart started to palpitate, I thought things are going to be fine... But... He followed me....

"Amanda what's wrong? You're trembling" Luna Chantal asked with a very soft voice, she does this time  to atleast calm me down.

"W-who... was that man again? W-what, did y-you call h-him?"

"Mommy, I'm scared... he's bad!" Cried by Caden... wait... does that mean...

"What do you mean by that Amanda? Do you know him? Tell me what's wrong" Tears started furriously running down from my eyes as the image of that man appeared in my mind again... Even if it hurts... Even if it's scary.... I know I have to tell them...

"He was the one who's behind all of this, he controlled Ethan and kidnapped me. He kept me inside his cell to see how Ethan is doing while he resists to follow him, Ethan is still alive. Ethan was the one who masked my scent so he and I could protect the baby from him"

"Mommy, he was the monster I was talking about" Caden added... He already met Xerxes?

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