Chapter 2

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~Lola's point of view~

        After me and Jared had gone inside, I ended up with a new bruise on my face, then I had to go make dinner for the man I call the love of my life. I don't even...I've changed. If I hadn't of started hanging out with him and his friends when I was younger, I wouldn't of softened up. I's hard.

"Ay, Lola! What's taking so long?!" Jared yelled from where he sat in the living room, watching TV.

"Just making sure everything is perfect, my dear." I said in a monotone voice as I hurried about the kitchen, making dinner.

        As I fixed dinner, my mind kept wandering to David. He seemed real sweet. And kind of dorky. Just hope Jared won't get jealous and think about hurting David. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if that happened. Sure, I just met the guy, but just...something about him...I don't know.

~David's point of view~

        After Mark finished lecturing me about how I was not in love with the new neighbor and it was simply lust, he dragged me to city hall. He also said I should stay away from her due to the fact that she had a boyfriend. It just wouldn't be right.

"Dave, where did you disappear off to?" Billy asked me as soon as we had walked into the mayor's office.

"He was chatting up the new neighbors." Mark stated simply.

"Any good looking chicks?" Dougie asked me with his devilish smirk that he always got when it came to attractive women.

"One, actually. And David here, is supposedly in love with her." Mark said, sounding slightly annoyed. 

        Bob, Billy, Dougie, and even Mr.Kite - the mayor - looked at me wide eyed. I just smiled at them sheepishly and waved.

"Dave, you just met the girl. How can you possibly say you're in love with her? Do you even know anything about her?" Billy asked.

"Yes, I do actually. Her name is Lola Cade and she's from Oklahoma." I said matter of factually.

"Oh wow, so you know her name and where she's from. What about her age? She could be underage and you wouldn't know." Bob pointed out.

        I thought about it, but realized Lola couldn't be underage. I don't think someone younger than 19 would live alone with a man like Jared. With the okay of her parents at least.

"Well I know she's not younger than 19. She lives with a man named Jared who looks about the same age. I don't think a girl younger than 19 would live alone with a man who wasn't family."

"It could be a cousin. Or her brother." Mark said, leaning on the desk.

"No, it's not. They didn't look alike. He was lighter than she was and had brown hair instead of black. Not siblings. Possibly cousins, but she wasn't underage." I said, crossing my arms.

        They all looked at me with raised eyebrows and Bob was giving me look.

"Dave...think about it...if the man isn't her brother or cousin...don't you think that it could be a boyfriend?" Bob said.

        I thought about what he said, and then frowned. Bob was right. The man, Jared, could be Lola's boyfriend.

"Sorry Dave, we just don't want you to get hurt." Bob said, trying to comfort me, patting me on the shoulder.

~The next day: Lola's Point of View~

        After doing my normal routine of waking up at 5:30 and showering and getting dressed  and then fixing breakfast for Jared, I waited for Jared to eat and shower and get ready. He was leaving today to a couple towns over to visit a 'friend'. And by friend, I mean he's going to find a bar and a whore house and not be home till really late. Not that I complain, gives me a break. After Jared had driven the truck out of sight, I went about the house, unpacking what was left and cleaning the house and washing the breakfast dishes. 

        When it was close to lunch time, I noticed how little food we had in the fridge. Guess it was time to shop for groceries. I grabbed my purse and a tote bag and walked out the house,  walking around the town looking for a grocery store or something. The town, it was a real cute and simple town. I liked it.  

        Finally, I found a Farmer's Market. Well, it's a start. Now I just need to find a grocery store for things that aren't fruit or vegetable oriented.

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