Chapter 3: Freedom Day Part 2

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"The animal was... Fman122."

Wisteria turned to face her friends, watching each of their expressions morph into shocked faces, mirroring each other.

Before she could talk further, she was interrupted by her friends' chatter. She attempted to speak over it all.

"I chased him around Jamaa, well, then..."

"Then what?" Skorm growled.

Wisteria couldn't tell them the truth, that he'd said something that caught her off-guard... then she'd have to tell them what caught her off-guard. And that conversation was off-limits.

"He managed to get away."

Her friends were skeptical towards Wisteriamoon, asking more questions; questions she didn't want to answer.

Wisteria shrugged them off, walking out of the large cave through a different route, filled with many twists and curves. It's mouth opened into Crystal Sands.

It was surprisingly not crowded, most likely due to the amount of animals huddled inside the Diamond Shop, hoping to buy Freedom Items before they sold out.

Her friends followed closely behind, obviously confused. Bepper and Skorm raced over, overflowing with questions.

"Are you sure it was Fman? It couldn't have been another wolf?" Bepper was asking.

Wisteria knew it was him. There was no other possibility that it wasn't. Julian raced over after them, steering them away.

He padded over to Wisteria.

"You don't have to put up with this if you don't want to, you know." He said softly.

"I'm just... tired. I wasn't expecting a Freedom Day right after we got back. Or Fman."

"Well, I'm always here for you if you need me."

"I know."

Julian and her had had a "thing" on the way up to the peak of Phantom Mountain, but she had no clue where that was headed. Julian would show affection for her sometimes, but other times show no signs of liking her in that way.

It confused Wisteria, since she thought she liked him...

Bepper suddenly exclaimed, " There's a parade happening in Coral Canyons! Hold on, let me get my Freedom items on..."

She rummaged through her storage, but came up empty pawed.

"It's not here! I don't understand, I'm sure I put them in here..." She looked further, but never had any luck.

While the rest of her friends remained clueless, Wisteria had an idea.


"What?" Bepper questioned her.

"Fman hacked you!"

Bepper's eyes grew wide. "But... that means he can control me! I'm no longer in control of myself!"

Skorm began to laugh a little. "Bepper, that's unheard of. All he could possibly do is take your items."

Bepper looked at her friends with fear-stricken eyes. My spikes are gone." 

Skorm's joking attitude had vanished and he rushed over to Bepper's side to try and help.

Julian was at her aid as well. "How did he get your password?!"

"I don't know! I've never shared it in my life!"

Julian continued, "I guess we have to wait it out, and hope he doesn't take anything more."

"No." Wisteria said. "We have to find Fman." The energy in her eyes was pure hatred.

She led the way to the place she'd last seen him, finding no trace of the black and red wolf.


Wisteria shrieked and spun around, finding the body who's shrill voice belonged to.

Julian and Aparri heard her scream and bolted around the corner of Jam Mart Clothing.

Julian ran in front of Wisteriamoon, easily pinning the skinny wolf to the ground.

Fman laughed, much to the groups disbelief.

Wisteria took a step forwards, now knowing it was safe to. "Give us back Bepper's items!" 

Fman looked up at her, smiling, his crooked teeth showing. "I don't have your friends items."

Julian growled.

"But I do know who does."

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