Chapter 6: Alone

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Wisteria was roused awake by a stream of water repeatedly dripping onto to top of her head.

She immediately got up, getting in a position to fight if she had to. A river roared next to where she took her stance, masking any sound that could be getting through to her.

She stood on the dinghy floor of what seemed to be a cave, as she waited for her heart to stop beating so fast. After about five minutes had passed, she began to look around for a way out.

Her paws were already sipping wet from the thin layer of water that occupated the cave's rocky ground. Every time she thought she heard someone, she would go a bit faster. It seemed that every turn had been repeating itself; it seemed as if she had been getting nowhere.

She passed the small stream where she had been situated when she first woke up, and then eyed the rushing river. Without hesitation, she dived into the harsh waters.

She was immediately pushed under, her bones grinding against the sharp rocks. She was able to get above the water to gasp for breath, but only for less than a second. In that amount of time, however, she realized that she had left the cave's rocky interior, and was now amidst large pine trees and the salty breeze of the ocean.

She had neared a shallow spot in the river, and aimed all of her might to getting out of the roaring waters.

Wisteria's face was less than a foot away from the surface, but she could not reach it. Something was holding her back. Looking down, she could see through her blurry, water filled vision that the the bottom half of her body was stuck in a barricade of rocks, hindering her from escaping the river's icy grasp.

She tried to scream, but instead lost all of the breath that she had left. Her screams turned to bubbles that helplessly drifted above the waters' surface. She could feel waves crashing above her head, nearly allowing her space to breathe, but it wasn't enough.

Black spots began to dot her vision as she began to lose consciousness. She could now feel paws touching her fur, but she wasn't sure if it was reality or not.

Her fur was met with a tough, cool breeze as she was lifted out of the water. She coughed up more water than she thought humanely possible in just a few minutes. Her vision was slowly returning, but she could see the figure if a wolf in front of her. Julian?

No.... Julian had white, this wolf had to white....

Wisteria's heart skipped a beat when she figured out who it was. "Mack...."

The wolf gave her a stern and sarcastic look back, the only two looks that ever seemed to go on his face. Fman shankily walked away from her, muttering in a tone of disbelief two final words. "You're late."

Wisteria could barely comprehend Fman's sentence, as she looked out at her surroundings.

She had returned to the place she never wanted to see again.

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