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Adele's POV

I'm walking, I have no idea of where I am but it doesn't matter, I keep walking. Everything is blur around me, I hear some voices I don't recognize : what the hell is happening to me ? Suddenly someone touched my shoulder and said :

"- Where are you going dear ? "

"- I'm trying to go back home, where's the exit Madam ? I asked "

"- Oh dear ! You can't go out until tonight ! People want to see you at 20:00 pm ! she replied"

Who wants to see me ? And why? I need a bed right now, I feel dizzy, I'm gonna fall... The woman suddenly screams and I could feel people touching me, screaming, whispering. What the hell is happening ? It doesn't matter in fact, I don't care, if I can sleep everything is okay. I'm not dizzy anymore but my head is hurting.

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