Chapter four

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[Warnings mentioned in this chapter: Cheating mentioned]

"Everything started when I actually knew I liked boys."

Dan was 15 when he was enrolled in a new school. A new facility he'd have to start over his anxiety again after his parents received an offer with big opportunities for the future, especially for Dan and his 6 year old brother who'd follow Dan's footsteps.

Dan walked in to the school and went in to the registration room along with his mum as they went each to table to fill in his form, snap a photo for his school I.D and pick up his schedule.

"Just be yourself dear, and please don't wrinkle your clothes again." Dan's mother sighed as she pulled the fabric to make it as neat as possible. She tidied his hair before he sets out alone.

"Tell me about your new day when you come back home!" His mother waved, watching Dan walking off to the biggest room, which shows other hallways with letters as a post. He took one look back, seeing that his mother already left. He tensed up, feeling he'll never find his way to his classes.

A random student, who happens to be a boy offered to help Dan locate the school as he planned on escaping but he decided to help guide Dan's way to his classes before the bell rings to move to his other class.

The boy's hazel eyes made it hard to look away, but Dan chose to control himself, trying to give a good impression to the new boy.

"And this is where the science room is, do you get it?" The boy asked, glancing the schedule in his hand and then looking up to make sure Dan understood. Dan nodded, clutching into his backpack strap.

"Oh, the bell will ring soon." The boy looked at the giant clock that was hanging on the wall. "We will have classes together next!" The boy cried, he picked up as pace and walked to his next class with Dan.

"C'mon, Miss Doubtfire won't mind if we sit together. She never assign seats anyway." Dan didn't respond, but followed after the boy behind him. His legs were screaming in pain from force, but Dan didn't want to halt and disappoint his new friend.

The bell rung, followed by chattery crowds coming out of their classrooms. The boy patiently waited for the last student to go out of the classroom and he entered, followed by Dan.

"A new student in my class, I see." Miss Doubtfire, a petite blonde woman in her 20's stood tall after she bent down from writing in the whiteboard that was about her name. She pushed the bridge of the glasses as she gave a small smile to Dan.

Dan smiled back, subconsciously he loses himself feeling tense. He sat next to the boy, who was setting up his notebooks and writing utensils. "I'm Jake Sorreal." The boy introduced himself.

"I-I'm Daniel Howell, but Dan is what everyone calls me." Dan said, stuttering.

"Are you new here?" Jake leaned back of his chair a little, looking at Dan who was fidgeting his fingers.

"Sorta." Dan muttered.

"Don't worry, nobody here are gits. They are really nice, especially to people with weird personalities, guys with feminine attitude, fearless sods. They won't hurt you unless you're being an arse."

"You think so?" Dan looked up, feeling comfortable as a couple of students came in the class.

"Yeah, like my friend Sophie over there." Jake pointed to Sophie. "Ay Sophie!" Jake called out with his hands cupped around his mouth, catching the attention to long, straight dark hair to turn around.

She walked towards Jake, giving him a face Dan couldn't tell how she was feeling. "Hello Jake." Sophie spoke apathetically. "Who is this lovely friend of yours sitting next to you?" She asked, turning to Dan who was facing down the floor.

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